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Member Since 14 May 2017
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#85566 Support CC adjustments or additions

Posted by Nabu on 28 May 2017 - 11:33 AM


Mhm, the top suggestion could just be worked into the current tutorial. There's no need for a whole extra thing you have to confirm/go through to be able to play, we already have one of those features called a tutorial.

This is true, I appreciate your idea. However, it could also be a simple check box delayed for 10 seconds. So you're able to read the information provided.


From your suggestion of removing Alora CC, you said that a lot of new players will join the CC with the servers name, with currently having a CC named Alora, why would this make than likely result in someone being trolled? Removing the Alora CC and forcing everyone into Help CC would result in ...

This would result in players heading towards the chat CC as suggested above. It's strictly stated in the rules no player is allowed to speak about unrelated topics.

  • All the "trolls" who would troll the person would now be in the cc Help doing the exact same thing.. Not sure what point you're trying to make with this, I make be totally missunderstanding but just because the cc is named Help instead of Alora doesn't mean people won't troll there.

They would be directed to the "chat" cc.

  • We have Alora and our extra cc's because clan chat's get full to the point where you can't join it. This is a good system to have because if a CC never became full then it'd be spammed out ridiculously and would be too hard to read peoples questions.

Please read what has been stated. If you still feel confused I'll gladly explain my thoughts in detail.



The idea is to synchronize Alora and Help to register as the same clan chat. It'll be called "help" but if a player attempts to join Alora chat they would be redirected to Help. A lot of new players misconstrue Alora for Help. This would eliminate that factor.


When you join a server, and the first question you ask gets answered by a troll. Does this encourage you to ask another question? No, this tells you that the community is filled with players like them. Whether it's true or not this is what the brain believes.

#84772 Prayer XP

Posted by Nabu on 26 May 2017 - 03:17 AM

As of right now I believe prayer is treated like the other combat skills(330x) in terms of gaining xp.

My proposal is to reduce the ratio. As of now you can get 99 prayer in less then 1 hour. In a pkers perception they want to rush to at least 70. This will still be possible due to the xp difference in levels.


Currently you gain 3250~ per dragon bone when used on the altar in ;;thieve. When construction is added and you have a gilded altar + burners 99 prayer will take 20-30 minutes.


There is absolutely no demand for dragon bones. Players would rather farm it themselves then buy it. 

This only destroys the economy from dragon slayers. (MM method known by all new players)


My idea is to change the ratio on prayer to 150x. Or halve the xp ratio currently set. E.G if you get 3250~ with well and no vote you get 1625. This will encourage new players into farming dragon bones, and protect the economy for the future release of construction.


Ratio can be applied to current standards. Halve their XP as it's not RNG dependent like the other combat skills.

#83937 Make pking active again

Posted by Nabu on 22 May 2017 - 01:59 PM

Always been a hard subject, everyone on the team wants wildy to be active but it isn't that easy, we're open for ideas so comment them all down below.

Instead of promoting skilling events, and bossing event etc. Our sole focus should be pking on the weekends. This server appeals to everyone aside from pkers, and that's the only thing holding us back from 1k+ players.


Re-evaluate the emblem tier system. Adjust the bounty targeting reward system. 

If I was actually familiar with the systems I would list variable open for improvement.


Make rune pking more desireable so it appears the wilderness is active.

Adjust rune(armor) sell price within the general shops so you have a basis of income.


Super set should come in 4. This is a must for pkers, I understand you want ppl to have an extra benefit. They can use this for brews restores etc.


PK events? Every. ****ing. Day. If you want to promote something consistency is the #1 value. (aside from quality control)

By events I don't exactly mean DH or rune pk events etc. Start some clans up say Blank versus Omnicron and have all the players have at it in the wilderness. Let's be creative, I'm sure with over 300 players we can come up with something.


Create an NPC with PK sets valued @ shops price. Welfare hybrid, pure sets, and rune pk sets.


I'll edit this later with additions. 

#83931 Armadyl

Posted by Nabu on 22 May 2017 - 01:45 PM

Players do often quit with stacks of items. Or others feeling horde-like will raise prices if spawns are adjusted. It's simple economics, don't let current standards bias your opinion.

#83576 Armadyl

Posted by Nabu on 21 May 2017 - 10:21 AM

Lower the drop rate for the minions. (Making it harder to receive said item) Currently there's so many armadyl pieces being spawned in due to minions that it's around 2m a piece. Now this could be because armadyl is rather inefficient as opposed to void. But these are still considered one of the best items in the game and should be treated as such in terms of DR.


You can camp armadyl for less then 20 minutes and come out with a drop every time.