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#258667 Group Ironman Competition Information

Posted by Maleficia1 on 19 January 2019 - 10:38 PM

i thought these would be ACTUAL team awards,



as in all 5 members had to hit 1500/2100/infernal etc... there should of been both individual awards and team awards. or at least more ACTUAL team awards.



Little salty on this one.

Ye we wanted the same.. but didn't work out unfortunately, so do what it takes to get there I guess. 

#255377 Group Ironman Competition Information

Posted by Maleficia1 on 11 January 2019 - 09:20 PM

I think you severely overlook the fact that having team members work together will directly impact how fast a single player can progress. Sure one player could grind 1500 total levels himself but it can be done much more quickly and efficiently with a team working together. Just some food for thought when thinking a "single" accomplishment has nothing to do with the team factor of group ironman. 

Sure, fair enough. But it seems odd to set out to design a mode designed for teams to work together and play together and then provide incentives to funnel everything to one member. Is that teamwork? Maybe so. But I personally think that takes the mode in a wrong direction. I think that teams should be rewarded for all playing and working together towards a common goal rather than funneling one player. Just how I look at it. 

#255369 Group Ironman Competition Information

Posted by Maleficia1 on 11 January 2019 - 08:52 PM

I'll be honest, this makes absolutely no sense to me. This is a group mode, it is intended for players to team up and form groups, so why are half of the competitions based on a singular players progression? I like the the Raids challenges, but the others seem out of place for a mode that is entirely based around a group of players. Level achievements I have no problem with, but it should include all team members rather than a single player in my opinion. First 5 man team with all players 1500+ total, 2100+ total, etc makes much more sense.

#87059 Ultimate Ironman Looting Bag

Posted by Maleficia1 on 03 June 2017 - 02:55 PM

I think people need to quit trying to ruin the game mode...no point even having UIM if people are going to continue to complain about how hard it is and try to make it easier than it should be.  Make a regular ironman or a regular account if you don't want to play the game mode.

#78744 A Few Quality of Life Suggestions

Posted by Maleficia1 on 04 May 2017 - 08:44 PM

Hey everyone, your standard ironman here with a few suggestions that i think would make Alora much more enjoyable for all of us.


1. Herb Sack.  This item needs to be fixed so that it's actually usable.  Especially for ironmen this would be great because the herb grind is fairly hard as it is; if we could pickup herbs from tasks like spectres without having to bank every 5 minutes it would be great.  Especially considering a lot of people spent slayer points on the item just to find out it doesn't actually work.


2. Blocked Slayer Tasks.  Just another simple quality of life update; it would be awesome if we could spend some points to block certain tasks instead of having to cancel them all the time, pretty simple.


3. Unusable supply drops.  Items like battlestaffs, orbs, and grapes are very common drops at bosses like zulrah and monsters like wyverns, but at this point they are completely useless.  It would be great if we implemented a way to charge orbs and make battlestaffs, and a way to make wines using the grapes. Another great way to give different options for exp for ironmen and regular players too.


4. Ring of Suffering.  At the moment this item doesn't have the effect that it does in OSRS dealing with recoil charges.  It would be great if we were able to throw recoils in the ring of suffering and be able to toggle the charges on and off.


5. Achievement Rewards.  I was thinking it would be nice if there was an achievement reward that would allow certain bosses and mobs to drop noted bones like dagganoth bones in OSRS, or maybe noted wyvern bones after completing a list of achievements. 


6. Skilling Outfits. I really like the lumberjack outfit being in the achievement store and i thought it would be nice to get the other skilling outfits such as angler, prospector, and farmer outfits.  I think most everyone would agree with me that the outfits are nice. 


That's all i've got for now, i hope you guys like the ideas and feel free to add on to anything. =) Thanks

#78338 Slayer helm (i)

Posted by Maleficia1 on 03 May 2017 - 07:06 PM

I would totally agree; for slayer, slayer helm (i) should be best.  Support 100%

#76482 Zulrah nerf

Posted by Maleficia1 on 29 April 2017 - 01:02 PM

Zulrah easiest boss in game

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