Im more a fan of this idea rather than just tripling the # of rocks in normal donor area.
I'd support having more rune rocks in the Super donator + part where thieving is
19 March 2019 - 05:16 PM
Im more a fan of this idea rather than just tripling the # of rocks in normal donor area.
I'd support having more rune rocks in the Super donator + part where thieving is
19 March 2019 - 05:14 PM
Personally not a fan of the bloody keys for ironmen, but the others i think fit well.
19 January 2019 - 10:38 PM
i thought these would be ACTUAL team awards,
as in all 5 members had to hit 1500/2100/infernal etc... there should of been both individual awards and team awards. or at least more ACTUAL team awards.
Little salty on this one.
Ye we wanted the same.. but didn't work out unfortunately, so do what it takes to get there I guess.
11 January 2019 - 09:20 PM
I think you severely overlook the fact that having team members work together will directly impact how fast a single player can progress. Sure one player could grind 1500 total levels himself but it can be done much more quickly and efficiently with a team working together. Just some food for thought when thinking a "single" accomplishment has nothing to do with the team factor of group ironman.
Sure, fair enough. But it seems odd to set out to design a mode designed for teams to work together and play together and then provide incentives to funnel everything to one member. Is that teamwork? Maybe so. But I personally think that takes the mode in a wrong direction. I think that teams should be rewarded for all playing and working together towards a common goal rather than funneling one player. Just how I look at it.
11 January 2019 - 08:52 PM
I'll be honest, this makes absolutely no sense to me. This is a group mode, it is intended for players to team up and form groups, so why are half of the competitions based on a singular players progression? I like the the Raids challenges, but the others seem out of place for a mode that is entirely based around a group of players. Level achievements I have no problem with, but it should include all team members rather than a single player in my opinion. First 5 man team with all players 1500+ total, 2100+ total, etc makes much more sense.