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Member Since 29 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active May 23 2018 03:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [7/24/17] Bug fixes, New Instances, Risk protection system, PVP updates &...

24 July 2017 - 07:50 AM

As an ironman: looks like Christmas came early.
Thank you so much for these updates!

In Topic: Dagganoth king 'private rooms'

06 July 2017 - 07:58 AM

I'd be a huge fan of instanced DKS. 3-5m for an instance makes sense. Support!

In Topic: Karambwan fishing

06 July 2017 - 06:04 AM

I remember reading this thread yesterday. This just went to the polls on OSRS:




I'm not entirely certain if such an update is necessary, but if it comes through the polls on OSRS, I wouldn't mind having it implemented here. 

In Topic: Herblore - Zahur

05 July 2017 - 04:31 PM

I don't mind this idea, but I think 500gp is still too cheap.


I wouldn't mind paying 2500ea per herb cleaned and 5000ea per unfinished potion that is created.


To put those numbers in perspective: 

If I want 1000 herbs cleaned, I would pay 2.5m 

If I want 1000 unfinished potions made, I would pay 5m


Putting those numbers in perspective, these prices seem more reasonable to me (maybe even slightly more).

To add on to that:

I don't think it's too crazy that this would be a donator benefit, considering that decanting is as well. 

In Topic: Adding Listings in Trading Post

05 July 2017 - 04:22 PM

The reason that I am posting this is that on my first day on Alora, I opened the TP (already had something up for sale), left-clicked a vote book to sell it, and it was redeemed instead.



If it's easy to implement, YES PLEASE. I recently opened a super mystery box (unintentionally) by making the same mistake.