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Member Since 18 Nov 2016
Previous Username: Monaco
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2023 08:18 AM

#71954 Warnings

Posted by 1 on 17 April 2017 - 01:47 AM

Already been suggested before, but yeah, support

#71408 Total EXP

Posted by 1 on 15 April 2017 - 05:55 PM

There should be a way to find out your total exp without having to manually search through pages on the hiscores until you find your name. Whether it be ingame on the stats tab or displayed when you search for your name on the hiscores.

#70819 HCIM Death Broadcast with TTL

Posted by 1 on 14 April 2017 - 10:35 AM

Show the total level of the HCIM that has died when it's broadcast to the server.

#69905 Account Rank After Death - HCIM

Posted by 1 on 12 April 2017 - 06:16 AM



Also, dead HCIM are being removed from the highscores...make them stay there permanently after death.

@Omicron change this as well please.

#68085 HCIM Death Global Broadcast

Posted by 1 on 08 April 2017 - 08:39 AM

Make it so that when a HCIM dies it sends a global broadcast to the server. Maybe only for HCIM with 1500+ TTL or something.

#68077 Cerberus

Posted by 1 on 08 April 2017 - 08:10 AM

Make Cerberus respawn, as it does in OSRS

#66322 Ring of Wealth (i) Suggestion

Posted by 1 on 01 April 2017 - 10:38 AM

Automatic pick up (and opening) of caskets.

#66316 Small Suggestions

Posted by 1 on 01 April 2017 - 10:27 AM

1. Support

2. I thought it did work?

3. Support

4. The Jad pet is already fairly common

5. Range has already been made less effective against Kraken in a previous update. I'm pretty sure a kill with a blowpipe takes the same amount of time as a kill with a trident now.

#66297 Capes

Posted by 1 on 01 April 2017 - 10:09 AM

Omicron is basing this server on OSRS, meaning no customs. 

#65629 Why I waste 6 hours on pking?

Posted by 1 on 29 March 2017 - 02:02 PM

I get your point, all this effort put into it and then it's disabled.
Some people have abused it, some haven't.

It's unfair for the people who haven't abused this, this should've been disabled earlier to avoid this but we can't turn back time.

Not sure if it's smart to reset the items, think it would be unfair for people who actually have grinded for PKP.
We can't determine the people who have abused it and the people who didn't abuse it.

Disable the PKP shop is the only way to stop this, the damage that was made can't be reversed, only way to do this is reset all the items but that would be unfair and also not sure if it's possible.

Hope we'll find something that will be fair.

Can't support this but I'm open for suggestions.


Dennis (Sheep).

Yeah, and there are lots of players that legitimately grinded for their PKP that they're now unable to use. The people that did buy from the shop should have their items removed or the shop should be made usable again. That's the only fair way to sort it.

#64596 Ironman Exemption from PK Achievements Req. (Comp. Monkey)

Posted by 1 on 25 March 2017 - 08:25 AM

I don't think Ironmen should need to complete all of the PKing achievements in order to receive the completionist monkey. Some of them are nigh-on impossible to complete without boosting or losing a lot of valuable items (10 target kills, 15 killstreak, etc).

#57963 Crystal Chest Designed for Iron Men

Posted by 1 on 28 February 2017 - 06:27 AM

No support. Don't think Ironman mode should be made easier.

#57154 Completionist Cape

Posted by 1 on 25 February 2017 - 05:34 PM

Ironmen can't complete some achievements therefore wouldn't be able to get the cape unless an exception was made.

#54478 PURGE

Posted by 1 on 16 February 2017 - 05:12 PM

Probably the worst suggestion I have ever read on this website

#51087 Fixing raids drop rates

Posted by 1 on 05 February 2017 - 03:09 PM

I agree. No-one really bothers anymore because you have to spend dozens of hours grinding to get a single drop, which usually isn't really worth much.