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Chase legend

Member Since 17 Nov 2016
Online Last Active Today, 01:40 PM

Topics I've Started

Xmas/New Years giveaway 2024 (Postponed to 31st)

18 December 2024 - 06:17 PM

Regarding the Xmas Giveaway


First of all, don't worry, all the stuff i've been saving up for a few months will still be given away. But since I couldn't do it yesterday, and New Years is literally next week, I've decided to push it back til next week, HOPEFULLY Wednesday night, prob doing it late too unless life gets in the way again, but can't do much bout that. 


So I want to personally apologize to everyone for the postponement but this will give me an extra week to gather stoof to giveaway for y'all, and on the dawn of a new year











Christmas Giveaway 2024


When?: December 25th (Unless done on 24th)


Timewise: Most likely around the evening hours EST


Festive Theme?:  Red, White, and Green







Damn, another year, another holiday themed giveaway, I hope no one thought I had forgotten to do this. Turbulent month aside, I can put that aside to host yet another Xmas giveaway!


A quick rundown on the events that'll be happening!





Similarly to that of the Halloween Giveaway that occurred 2 months ago, I will be hiding within the world of Gielinor from various cities, visiting the local residencies to give them a bit of holiday cheers! The hints will be provided over yell and just like every year, there will be the same requirements 

  • Upon finding the host at the current hiding spot, participants will have to trade the host
  • Once the trade has been confirmed, the participants will be asked whether or not they've been "Naughty" or "Nice"

The Host will then reward the player with the corresponding reward within the inventory


                    Reminder: "Naughty" or "Nice" doesn't mean that the reward will correspond with the answer, it's a 50/50 chance of being an item worth of great or little value, regardless it is free money




Hide-n-seek will continue for at least 14 rounds, with some Races sprinkled within, may Saradomin bless your shoes of choice to dash across the pixels to find the host





Festive Caroling:


A fancier, festive themed name of a "Race". Basically, I will be visiting a random NPC in the world, putting out their name onto yell, it's up to you to quickly find out where said NPC is and be there first to trade me. I am yet unsure of how many rounds this will consist of, but hopefully it gives everyone another chance of winning some goodies!






Til next year friends!

Da Milestone

15 October 2024 - 07:05 PM



Did Vard just for the celebration



Wish they gave more points....




Halloween Giveaway 2024

13 October 2024 - 06:59 PM

You're invited to the annual Alora Halloween Giveaway!


Location?: All over Gilenor 


When?: October 31st (On a Thursday apparently...May or may not move it onto the weekend or Friday? but than it be November...)




Costume Reqs: Unlit Bug Lantern


(The item in question can be found in the slayer shop for like 13k)









Just like every other year, participants will have to search the host via clues given out in yell, some will be simple and some will have a small holiday flair to it. There will be 14 rounds and each Player has a limit of 3 winnings


  • Once found, the Player must trade the Host in order to confirm the win and claim of the prize
  • Once confirmed, the Player will be asked "Trick or Treat?" to which the Player must pick a choice of receiving a "Trick" or a "Treat" to which the Host will give the Player the corresponding prize once selected. 

Note: "Trick" Option won't always be the worst choice and "Treat" Option won't always be the best choice, regardless, it is a 50/50 chance to win something fairly decent or something just average. Please don't take offense to winning somethin average




Post Hide-n-Seek:


An option will be given to the Players still participating in the event, the Player's limits will be reset back to 0 to allow them the chance to further player. The following choices are what the Players will be able to choose to continue/finish the Giveaway




Crate Boxes: 


The Host will place random items in several Crates stashed all around a random City before the said City is announced via Yell, the Players must find the Crates to claim the hidden loot inside, who ever said loot crates were a scam (They very much are)






The Host will hide in a random location around the map before yelling said location for the Players to reach the Host first as fast as they can, may your world knowledge be sharp




Drop Party:


The name speaks for itself, so tell me, does your pid feel lucky?




Find the Difference:


I am not sure how to go about this...but maybe I'll try something new to spice things up a bit :)




Chase's Notes:


A little bit late with this but fuck it, we ball!








So this is what the Fox says? intriguing....

1st Fox Pet Ingame (Forestry)

08 October 2024 - 08:33 PM




Yes I know its not bragging worthy, but lemme take a W T.T