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kid ulthra

Member Since 20 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2018 05:15 AM

Topics I've Started

Current Event Interface

02 May 2017 - 12:09 PM

Recently a lot events happened, either skilling-events or drop-partys.


To grant a better overview of current events a interface could help since events written in the chat are getting spammed away really fast.


The interface should contain:


  • Host Name
  • Location (pre-selected event locations should be determaneted like varrock square, party room etc.)
  • Drop value
  • Event-style (Drop party, skilling event, Q&A etc.)


Maybe we could even add a special event that needs a fee (like 100k-1M) to participate, which will be added on top of the current event.



Terms of hosting-rights:


  • Every staff rank should be able to host events.
  • Every donator can host certain events.



Let me know what you think about it and don't be shy when it comes to finer suggestions.



Thanks for reading


Have a nice day,



Increasing smite drain rate

02 May 2017 - 11:42 AM

I have experienced that the drain rate of the prayer ''Smite'' is farely weak.

There's basically a 0-percent chance to smite someone to 0 prayer.



The drain rate shouldn't be the same as oldschool but a bit more challenging than the current rate.


Also i'm not sure how the server is coded when it comes to 0-prayer-deaths. Same as oldschool? Does the person lose their item?



For me it's a huge fun-killer when it comes to unsmitable fights.



Opinions to that are greatly appreciated. 


Thanks for reading,
