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Reborn Ocean

Member Since 17 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2022 04:08 PM

Topics I've Started

Wilderness Bounty/Skilling

20 May 2017 - 09:43 AM

The bh system is kind of broken in the sense that people get targets who are skilling @ black chins quite often. This leads to 2 problems. The annoyance of being hunted as a skiller for emblem upgrades, and as a bounty hunter you get no drops or emblem upgrades because the skiller very rarely carries wealth large enough to upgrade them.


My Suggestion is to add a "on/off bounty" toggle that would allow skillers to opt out of getting bounty targets.


It may seem way out there, but realistically in osrs there is only one bounty world, and all other worlds do not provide bounties.


We do not have enough players in order to open up a second world imo, so a on/off bounty toggle would be your easiest solution I would think.

Hiscores in dire need of update

03 May 2017 - 07:37 PM

Currently the only way to see what rank you are in any given skill is to go to that specific skill, and scroll through every page until you find yourself.


This is VERY tedious, and as someone who will be trying to go for top 1k in every skill after I max, it would be super helpful to add this update.


There is no way I see myself scrolling through every single stat hiscores until I find myself in each one.


Picture showing what I am talking about:



Properly working Infernal Pickaxe and Axe

03 May 2017 - 10:22 AM

They both work as normal pickaxe and axe, however the bonus effect does not work. I am not the only one who has purchased one just to find out after the fact that they do not work.



Sorry didn't have to to explain this issue in detail earlier as I was waiting on an important phone call.


So here is my EDIT:


The smouldering stone drop is useless because the thing it creates has no benefit. Other than a cosmetic change (which the ornament kit does a better job at doing), it has no value. Therefore the people buying it for the effect buy it just to end up with an untradable that does not work as intented, but is still releatively expensive.(I asked 20+ times in cc and yell over the course of 3 days and no1 answered if it worked or not, and I spent 6m on mine plus the pickaxe)


Fixing this issue would cause these items prices to go up, and inevitably make the dropping monsters more worth killing. It would be good for skillers and pvmers alike.


The price rise, would be totally worth it to most people so long as it did what it is meant to do.


On top of this- Another suggestion:


Make the smouldering stone usable on dragon harpoon to create a "insert clever name" harpoon that would give a chance of cooking the fish as opposed to firemaking the logs or smelting the ores.


This would cause dragon harpoon price increase and provide more usability even before the 20% speed increase is applied in a hopefully future update =)

Too much alora?

26 April 2017 - 03:29 PM

Just happened on my main lol. woops




never too much alora...