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e X odus

Member Since 14 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 28 2020 10:30 PM

#124436 [10/14/17] CONSTRUCTION IS OUT!

Posted by e X odus on 15 October 2017 - 03:57 AM

I'm glad to see Con finally released. The requirements for plank make spell are a bit steep though, don't you think?

#123146 Runecrafting Points

Posted by e X odus on 07 October 2017 - 03:57 PM

So currently RuneCrafting points are essentially useless. It would be cool to see a mystery box type item added that would give random runes, pure ess, and a very rare chance at the rc pet.


This would be very beneficial to ironmen in my opinion while not being too OP. In OSRS ironman mode players can buy runes from the shop, which we can't do here. This is a bit of a happy medium between being able to buy all your runes and having to craft all your runes.


The condition would need to be that you won't get enough p ess to get back the points you spent.


I'll leave it up to the players and staff to determine a cost to reward ratio, but I think the following is a good start:


As a HCIM, I've gained just shy of 14,000 points from 5.35M xp. At this cost I'd be able to buy ~135 boxes by 99 RC, or ~27 for standard game mode/normal ironman mode players.


500 points each

1/5,000 pet chance

1-5,000 Pure Essence

1-10,000 Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Mind or Body runes

1-5,000 Cosmic, Astral, Nature or Law runes

1-2,500 Chaos, Death, Blood, or Soul runes


On average, 99 RC should get me ~35,000 P ess, ~150K random runes, and a 2.7% chance of getting the pet from a box at this current rate.


Standard XP rate players would see about 6,000 P ess and 20-25k in random runes at 99 with a 0.54% chance at getting the pet from a box.


Let me know what you think!



#122856 Birds Nest's

Posted by e X odus on 06 October 2017 - 08:29 AM

I'd like to see this implemented for all drops that are supposed to be noted. Zammy brews, for example, from GWD also aren't noted.

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