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Member Since 14 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 01 2018 06:49 AM

Topics I've Started

An Idea for money-sink

02 July 2017 - 02:15 PM




Since the economy is kinda unstable right now and developers been thinking about a money-sink method, I thought why not just add a construction skill?


Since the planks can be obtained from a few bosses/monsters I thought it would be smart to add construction as people will need to spend money to make logs into planks and not only that but also make a construction shop where people will be able to buy things such as "Limestone bricks" and "Magic stones" 

People will also need to spend money to create different kinds of rooms 



An Idea of Prices For Planks At Sawmill


Log Into Normal Plank = 1250 gp per 

Oak Log Into Oak Plank = 2750 gp per

Teak Log Into Teak Plank = 4000 gp per 

Mahogany Log Into Mahogany Plank = 6500 gp per