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Member Since 13 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2025 05:09 PM

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In Topic: Group ironman mode? *new game mode*

21 January 2018 - 11:27 AM

Is this something the Old School RuneScape Development Team are looking into implementing to Old School RuneScape? I've heard about it from somewhere and it sounds like a brilliant idea. 

It's spoke about but it's not confirmed by osrs yet I believe. No official posts on it anyway. It's a feature which is coming to RS3 and will probably follow osrs shortly after.


It seems fun and cool to think about. But how active would this game mode even be? You group up, player for a couple of weeks and then your partner gets bored and leaves you. Now you're stuck playing normal ironman.


Also, I'm not sure on the idea of "sharing xp". So you're allowed a group of 4 and all 4 have 50M woodcutting xp. That would put them at rank 1 for 200m forever? Hmm, seems odd. If this was to become a thing, I wouldn't mind the highscores main page be sorted by the groups total. so if the rank 1 team was 2 people both 2000 total, then the "Total Level" for that group would be 4000.


Although, honestly. Don't think it would be all that active on Alora.
No support, too much work for Omicron for too little players who will actively stick too it.

Edit: Ofc though, if there was high support for this then it'd be fun to see get added. I wouldn't mind seeing it with enough support.

In Topic: baby kael

18 January 2018 - 10:14 PM

Old punishments from being a kid are so funny to look back on



When trees used to turn evil and make your axe head fly off. Someone picked mine up and wouldn't give it me back, so I resorted to trying to give away my account. :( sad times



In Topic: Staff update 1/17/18

17 January 2018 - 11:45 AM

Well done everyone on their promotions. Congrats Purple on joining the team!

In Topic: New Surge Magic Spells!

08 January 2018 - 07:09 AM

Would love to see this get added. I'd enjoy seeing it come along with the new boss as well. Support.

In Topic: #MakeEdgeGreatAgain

04 January 2018 - 05:02 AM

In my opinion our wilderness is dead because we're not a pking server.

If we wanted a thriving wilderness which is full 24/7, then let's make 90% of our items spawnable.


Other than that, we can keep trying to fill our wilderness up with a bunch of people, but when most of our player base are PvMers/gamblers it's not going to work. We can only make it more enjoyable for our current pkers and hope that it brings in a bit more of a crowd.


But I honestly feel like a lot of pkers expect us to have a wilderness like spawn pk servers. Why would anyone want to come onto an eco server to pk when it's a ton of work to get your supplies.




With this idea, 50% of the gold you spend buying back your items is dropped.


So let's say you reduce the amount you spend to get your items back when you die in the wilderness. 

Sure, it's now good because you're spending less gp getting your items back.
But now, when you kill someone in these items they are also going to be dropping less GP.

So you're back to the problem, it's still not profitable because realistically, nothing would change.