Would definitely love to see this rule being removed, particularly the one where you don't allow players to have 'fun' or 'small' talk (which when you think about it, is absurd and pretty much unavoidable as it's a harmless, natural instinct).
Now, when players begin to advertise their clan-chats or do any sort of merchandise, that's when it should become a problem.. but I don't remember this being a problem back then either way. If anything, it made the 'HELP' clan-chat a lot more fun and interactive between players, just how it should be. Restrictions like these, to this extent, aren't needed. If staff members don't feel like getting caught up between 'small talk' in the clan-chat, simply private message the user and help them personally. I used to do this back then and it worked fine for me. I don't see why it shouldn't now.