We even share Similar goals!! SHEEESH Also going to dip my toes back into content creation on my small channel and work on a few different alora Series!! Best of luck my fellow Completionist!!
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Posted by RS Trauma
on 26 January 2025 - 03:47 PM
I'm not saying it needs to be removed all together, but it seems sill how quickly you can get into the wild, and not 15 seconds later be dead. It's incredibly frustrating if nothing else. Personally I just need to get the Anti PK gear as i'm an Iron and then I could care less cause i'm fighting back, something i'm sure they're not used to...
It’s the wilderness, it’s supposed to be risky. You should be strategic about it
Posted by RS Trauma
on 25 January 2025 - 10:33 AM
Title pretty much explains it all...
Bounty Hunter teleport is broken and abused to farm PKP. I haven't even been here that long and already see the flaws...
Need to run some bones? NOPE BH Teleport and killed the second you get into wild.
Want to run some Wildy Bosses? NOPE BH Teleport and killed.
I understand that you can gear up to anti pk, but I feel this single mechanic is killing the wilderness. We have tons of players that feel this way and wont even touch the wilderness because of it.
Removing BH teleport will force PK'ers to ACTUALLY PK instead of preying on Skillers/noobs. just my .02
Cheers to all...