I. What is/are your IGN(s)? TASSH
II. Which Game Mode(s) do you have experience in? Normie/GIM
III. What is your Discord ID? .tash_
IV. Post your Purple Quest tab with Time Played visible: https://imgur.com/MszM82R
V. What is your total Boss Kill count? On Alora Around 1K but on OSRS 5K+.
VI. What are your current goals on Alora? Learning more end game content, maxing my account, getting a comp cape eventually.
VII. Why do you want to join AFM? I always see Aftermath being advertised and would love to join. I like having a community to talk to and participate in, looking to expand my end game knowledge, and I have a couple GIM team mates in AFM.
VIII. How did you find out about us? Dab and Left Brian.