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Member Since 08 Nov 2024
Previous Username: Greatlord
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#500813 Bonus Skill Schedule Reorder

Posted by 523 on 15 November 2024 - 02:18 AM

What is your suggestion?:
Reorder the Bonus Skill Schedule

Is this in OSRS?:

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

How would this benefit Alora?:
The Bonus Skill Schedule can be made more practical where skills such as Mining would be the Bonus Skill the day before Smithing, Farming before Herblore, Fishing before Cooking, etc. It would ensure that the schedule has a reasonable flow to it where you can roll into the supplementary/related skill the following day to maximize EXP gains.

Example: I mine all day and save all my ores for the Smithing boost the following day. To do this now, I would have to wait an entire month for the bonus as Mining is the SOTD right after Smithing!

Current Schedule


Proposed Schedule



Notable Changes

Woodcutting -> Firemaking -> Fletching
FIshing -> Cooking

Mining -> Smithing -> Crafting

Farming -> Herblore


It would be a minimal change that low-EXP rate accounts would greatly appreciate and overall, just makes sense.