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#507675 Immortal+ Donator Zone

Posted by Maliketh on 10 February 2025 - 05:38 PM

I agree with most of this but there's somethings that doesn't really need to be in a donator zone.  Just make the respawn timer quicker AND increase the amount of them.


We're a server with hundreds of players and 1 world, doesn't make sense we have to share 5 vyrewatch and 8 chins (mufasa). numbers aren't accurate but it is close enough.


If that can't be done then i guess the suggestion from variant is another option, it will also benefit everyone in a way.


Also massive support for the instanced kourend catacombs ( i also think it should be for 50$ donators or more) in osrs you can hop world and find a quiet place without having to crash some1 or getting crashed.




*EDIT, no support for the firemaking part

#506299 Update Loyalty Store, Vote Store, and PK Store

Posted by Maliketh on 28 January 2025 - 11:31 AM

support, im personally not a fan of cosmetics, but i can see why it might be nice for others.

#506294 Eternal Slayer Tasks

Posted by Maliketh on 28 January 2025 - 09:14 AM

I support but i still think it's not really needed. instead of cancelling a random task, you could just pick a random boss and choose 3kc, not only does it progress ur streak faster, but you save ur slayer points you would have spent for the cancel.  Also if you unlock the storage, you can get b2b tasks this way, then only do a random boss 3kc and repeat the process over.

#506178 New pet

Posted by Maliketh on 27 January 2025 - 11:43 AM

What is your suggestion?: Adding a Tormented Demon pet

Is this in OSRS?: no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: Would be pretty cool to have this new custom pet, would engage more players to grind tormented demons.


I also think that if there are some custom skilling pet, why not add custom pvm pets?

The reason why i chose Tormented Demon, is because it's one of the coolest looking "boss".

I'd suggest a 1/2000 chance to obtain it as a pet.







#506147 Faster Spawns in Instances

Posted by Maliketh on 27 January 2025 - 07:50 AM

Big support,


hopefully the same could be applied to Nex, even tho the respawn timer was already shortened, i feel like it could get a good 10 seconds reduction or even a little more.

#505971 Bonus Vote Points instead of Vote Bonuses

Posted by Maliketh on 25 January 2025 - 04:14 PM

support, and feeling the same as 21 above^ so hoping copy paste won't trigger a warning.  Even though all i need to say is support as I support the suggestion, I will get warned again so typing all this shit to save another warning but want to say I fully support your suggestion and hope it this is now long enough to save a warning from the glorious staff.

#505847 Collection Log - Raid Purple Percentage

Posted by Maliketh on 24 January 2025 - 07:06 PM

support if its not too complicated to add it, def a nice qol

#505788 ToB drop rate changes

Posted by Maliketh on 24 January 2025 - 01:24 PM

i'd only support this if the scaling was harder than as of right now for 4man and 5man Tob, granting you more points, therefore more % chance.


Anyway, trios are almost same raid time as 4/5mans... if done correctly without deaths,etc.  On top of that, alora is kinda dead with few players to tob with, it would be better to keep duos/trios a priority so that u dont have to wait around hours to find a group of 5?


Also fully agreeing with what Gunnstein said.  That would be the best scenario possible

#505738 Suggestion: HCUIM

Posted by Maliketh on 24 January 2025 - 05:54 AM

Idk how I feel about realism HC. But HC EIM I don't see why not. Though we should probably focus on one of them at a time - and I think that should be HC UIM first personally :D

i know it feels a bit unusual, but if we take a step back, the point of hardcore is the fact that you only have 1 life.  It just happened that on osrs they decided to associate that game mode with the ironman mode.  But were still a private server with some customized game modes, such as eim, classic and realism.  So, i dont see why realism couldn't get a 1 life mode to it, if Uim can have it.


These 2 game modes have a different challenge other than only having 1 life, for realism, its the 2x xp rate (which is the slowest game mode in alora), while for uim is to not be able to use a bank. At this point its just a matter of preferences, since people like H who obviously prefer the ultimate ironman mode In my case id rather pick realism hc, if they were to be implemented into the game.


As for hc eim, H made a good point that HcGim is already a thing, and its possible to just partner up and have 2 lives only.


Finally, as H mentionned, if it's that easy to copy paste a game mode and making it 1 life only, it wouldn't hurt nobody.

#505638 Duke

Posted by Maliketh on 23 January 2025 - 10:02 AM

We can keep the mushrooms, and you can grind them right after duke dies, by the time he respawns you will have ur 42 ground mushroom so it all works out, but the problem is that if u grind more than 42, they all get used up upon waking up duke so u just gotta keep an eye on it... i think its already op as it is, doubling the kc per hour compared to other game modes

#505543 Add Colosseum Training To Donator Perks

Posted by Maliketh on 22 January 2025 - 09:28 AM

Support or atleast reduce training tickets for both inferno/colosseum to 20 each instead of 200

#505409 Quest XP rewards

Posted by Maliketh on 20 January 2025 - 01:26 PM

Reviving this suggestion, continuing an idea i seen in this topic.


xp given could simply be lamps like the diary ones.


So harder the quest is, the bigger the xp lamp is.


Mage arena 2,  dragonslayer 2 and desert treasure 2, all gives the elite achievement lamps.


recipe for disaster,  desert treasure, monkey madness and lunar diplomacy could give hard achievement lamps.


And the left over ones are easier with less skills requirements, obviously should be easy or medium xp lamps


ofc this is just an idea, could give multiple lamps per quests or not

#504876 Dragon arrows to pkp store

Posted by Maliketh on 14 January 2025 - 07:06 PM

Don't really see the need for it. With the exception of cooking gauntlets & cosmic runes, everything else in the PKP shop is used in PvP one way or another. If we add dragon arrows here, its gonna be a slippery slope of adding more and more stuff that doesn't belong there.

I see your point, so if we look at it that way, dragon arrows can be used for dark bow for pking, ok sure nobody need thousands of dragon arrows for pking but the same goes to the runes. Pretty sure people only buy those to fill up shadow or scythe, so why not help our tbows? on top of that, range style is the only one neglected in the shop, all i see magic, runes, dds and a arclight (which has nothing to do with pking). 


I think dragon arrows isnt too far fetched of an idea for pkp shop, it still makes sense in the two ways i just mentionned

#504836 Dragon arrows to pkp store

Posted by Maliketh on 14 January 2025 - 09:49 AM

What is your suggestion?: Adding dragon arrows to ironmen pkp store

Is this in OSRS?: no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: There's currently only a few ways to farm dragon arrows. I think adding another way wouldn't hurt anybody since puro puro is always crowded.



Can also add the arrows to vote store (but i think this way its too OP).


As of right now, i feel like there are much better things that are already in the pkp store, such as death,blood,soul, cosmic and astral runes. Like anything else, we have multiple ways to grind stuff, why not add dragon arrows to this?  On top of that this would only benefit tbow owners, which is already a big achievement or time spent for some people.


We can also talk about the amount given per pkp spent. So it feels balanced and not abused.


I am thinking a rate of 1 dragon arrow for 5 pkp, for those who don't know you would need about 2 archaics tier 10 for about 1000 dragon arrows. Obivously this is just a suggestion, let me hear your thoughts.