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Member Since 18 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active May 31 2020 10:34 AM

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pvm/slayer shop

21 March 2017 - 04:03 PM

Hi all i hope all is well... i been doing slayer non-stop now for around about a week now i think and i have been thinking as for pvm/slayer goes other then hoping for a good drop or slayer points we dont get rewarded much so i was thinking would it be possible to add a pvm/slayer shop which would be points based like if we killed a npc we get certain amount of points per kill or if we do a slayer task (hard/extreme tasks only) we get points for each npc we kill plus a little bonus at the end of the task the points can be based on the npc if it was easy/hard to kill the rewards in the shop can be something good like a rusty lamp which issues 1 hour of bonus slayer xp or 1 hour of boosted drop rate for certain bosses ex (godwards 1 hour higher drop rate or corp and so on) can always be random ill do a list of possible rewards below thanks and hope you understand my dyslexic writing haha...


Red and Black fire cape aka (pvm cape) - cost 30k points has advantage while on a slayer task chance of hitting higher like slayer/black mask and when wearing it at bosses have a 5% chance of restoreing 30% of your prayer and hitpoits.


slayer ring - teleport you to task npc and can communicate to master to get new tasks.


rusty lamp - 1 hour bonus slayer xp


full zammy armour


full sara armour - 


black proselyte armour - boosted prayer bonus


boss food - black manta ray restores health to full only during pvm/slayer tasks


prayer pots - during a tasks/bossing 1 dose restores 50% prayer 


these items might suck most people might not even support it or you might think its a horrid idea i personally think it would work out good all items in store should be non-tradable consider it like a pvm/fancy dress shop for the player not the economy thanks and hope you like it