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321 empty a

Member Since 20 Sep 2024
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2025 01:54 AM

#496870 got pked, gave stuff back

Posted by 321 empty a on 03 October 2024 - 06:26 PM

this is a thank you post to HCIM Tamber



a few days ago, a Tuesday morning, eastern standard time.... i had saved 10 bloody keys in my bank for the sole sake of spamming the chat box, the only problem was i was combat lvl ~70


i teled to sand crabs and had an invetory of barrages to go from 74 to 99 mage. i also had a mixed inventory of ranging darts to go from 80  to 99 range and some basic melee weps for 60 attack to use dragon weps on my way to 99 strength. by the time i got those levels and the hitpoints associated with it i was 88ish combat. bought some d bones in tp and off i went with my new 90 cmb to open bloody chests!. 



i loaded my inventory with 10 bloody keys, blighted ice sacks, 6 saras, 3 super restores, and sharks. i equipped full ghostly, ancient staff and god book. 


i hop the ditch and wait awhile to see if i'd get a target, coast clear. hop back, tele to demonic ruins, run to obelisk. i rest up because this next part is going to be a sprint. i sprint from obelisk to bloody chest after a full rest. drop my sharks 1 tile to spam open chest and then pick up sharks. as my inventory totals to about 15m my heart starts pounding, im extremly nervous. i never put prot melee prayer on so the bandit is just straight wrecking me because i have 1 defence. i am barraging bandits trying to pick up my sharks that are on a stationary tile.


i start sprinting back to obelisk and just as i tag it i see the animation of a voider loading in. at this moment i knew i f'd up. the tele block cast was so smooth, followed by and entangle then just crossbow bolts obliterating my torso. i camp prot range and run like a schoolgirl back to the bandit base looking for a ladder, praying for a miracle. im unable to lose him and i realize that my death is inevitable. i spam my keyboard as i die ..... "ewmfvnwekj" "jewiufuhuiew" 'fhur278yfh"


i wake up in edge. sprint to the bank for sharks, right click mager for "previous" --- i have no idea why im going back? for my ghostly and god book perhaps! 


as im sprinting back to the crime scene i get a PM "meet at home for your stuff back" 


i pick up my ghostly and god book from 55 wildy or whatever and head back home. 


he trades me back my stuff, i wanted to say THANK YOU

#496867 Fall '24 Community Awards Results & Signatures

Posted by 321 empty a on 03 October 2024 - 05:49 PM

gj all