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Member Since 12 Sep 2024
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2024 11:50 AM

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Better chat functionality

20 September 2024 - 05:57 PM


So I searched forums and didn’t see this anywhere so I wanted to make a post about it incase no one else already has (feel free to delete if it has).

So I’ve mostly played mobile but I’ve noticed a few things about the chat functionality that’s been a bit of an annoyance to be personally.

First: that there’s no option (on mobile i don’t know about pc) to clear and messages whether it’s private messages or game chat.

Second: the “game” tab filter doesn’t seem to do anything. I personally just don’t like seeing “you have eaten a shark” a bunch of times. So this would be a suggestion for a better filter list (or a filter list just in general if there isn’t one already in place)

Third: having an option to switch the “yell” tab on and off and have it working. I tried turning it off and I still receive a bunch of messages. This is mostly just a personal preference because I’m ocd about the blue chat bubbles flashing.

And the last suggestion is having the “all” tab clear all the blue flashing chat bubble tabs and keep them cleared when messages come through. This is more of a personal preference thing but it would be nice to have.

Anyways if this has been suggested or is already being worked on you can delete this post, I just wanted to suggest it incase no one else had done it already.