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Member Since 01 Aug 2024
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2024 06:09 AM

Topics I've Started

Search Option Within Collection Log

09 November 2024 - 04:58 AM

What is your suggestion?: Add a search option within the collection log.

Is this in OSRS?: Yes, it was implemented in 2021.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.

How would this benefit Alora?: A better collection log experience.


Other recent updates made to the search option:


Add Bonus MLM Nuggets To Vote Book

06 November 2024 - 01:00 PM

What is your suggestion?: Add bonus Motherlode Mine nuggets to the vote book.

Is this in OSRS?: No.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.

How would this benefit Alora?: More incentive for voting. There's really no good reason to reject this idea, especially considering the benefits already offered from the vote book. Since Wintertodt and Tempoross bonus points are combined, you can combine bonus MLM nuggets with bonus molch pearls.

Ability To Send Butlers To Sawmill To Create Planks

11 October 2024 - 12:23 PM

What is your suggestion?: Give players the ability to send their PoH Butler to the Sawmill to create planks.

Is this in OSRS?: Yes.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: Nope. However, this is a dupe suggestion. Nevertheless, I believe it is necessary to bring it up again, as the initial suggestion was made more than 2 years ago.

How would this benefit Alora?: Constantly having to run back and forth to the Sawmill Operator can be tedious. Plank make is inefficient. The Butler method is just incredibly faster.





Increase MLM's Ore Veins Depletion Times

03 October 2024 - 01:26 PM

Increase Motherload Mine's ore veins depletion times.


Unfortunately, I am not aware of the current status of the upper level, as I lack the necessary gold or 50 golden nuggets required for access. However, it is essential to note that the depletion times on the lower level should be extended, either to align with OSRS or to be improved to a slightly higher standard.


In OSRS, the ore veins deplete after 23-27 seconds. This time starts as soon as the first pay-dirt is mined.


I mined 8 ore veins and these were the depleted times:










The depletion times for the upper level should be between 36-40 seconds. Again, this time starts as soon as the first pay-dirt is mined.

Add Benefits To Skilling In Donator Zone

29 September 2024 - 07:41 AM

I presently use the donor zones exclusively for manta ray fishing and the extended area, which includes gem rocks and the thieving stall. The remaining areas do not appear to justify my time investment, and I would appreciate seeing enhancements implemented.


Here are some preliminary concepts I am proposing. If any of these resonate with you or if you have additional suggestions, please feel free to share your thoughts.


  • Increased chance of mining higher tier uncut gems from gem rocks in the extended Donator Zone
    Current: Uncut sapphire 1/14.22 , uncut emerald 1/25.6 , uncut ruby 1/25.6 and uncut diamiond 1/32
    don3.png Extreme: Uncut sapphire: 1/10 , uncut emerald 1/15, uncut ruby 1/17.5 and uncut diamond 1/22
    don5.png Uber: Uncut sapphire: 1/5 , uncut emerald 1/10 , uncut ruby 1/12.5 and uncut diamond 1/17.5


  • Boosted XP training skills in the Donator Zone
    don3.png Extreme - +2.5%
     don4.png Legendary - +5%
    don5.png Uber - +7%
    don6.png Master - +10%
     don7.png Immortal - +12.5%
    eternal_website.png Eternal - +15%


  • Ability to use Donator Zone's altar as a gilded altar (don5.png Uber+)


  • Longer despawn times, but also faster respawn times for trees and rocks


  • Bird nests and clue scrolls go straight into your inventory when training in the Donator Zone


  • Bird nests and clue scrolls go straight into your bank when training in the Donator Zone (don5.png Uber+)


  • Invisible level boosts
    Woodcutting - +5 levels
    Fishing - +5 levels
    Mining - +5 levels


  • Amount of cannonballs received from smelting to be increased when smithed in the Donator Zone (does not affect XP)
    don3.png Extreme - +1
     don4.png Legendary - +2
    don5.png Uber - +3
    don6.png Master - +4
     don7.png Immortal - +5
    eternal_website.png Eternal - +7


  • Extra Grey Chinchompas per successful trap (does not affect XP):
    don2.pngSuper - +1
    don3.png Extreme - +2
     don4.png Legendary - +3
    don5.png Uber - +4
    don6.png Master - +5
     don7.png Immortal - +7
    eternal_website.png Eternal - +10


  • Extra Red Chinchompas per successful trap (does not affect XP)
    don3.png Extreme - +1
     don4.png Legendary - +2
    don5.png Uber - +3
    don6.png Master - +4
     don7.png Immortal - +5
    eternal_website.png Eternal - +7