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Clean Clicks

Member Since 19 Jun 2024
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2024 04:47 AM

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In Topic: Tanning Noted Hides

27 June 2024 - 03:57 PM



Green d'hide body 

Alch price: 4,680

Ingredients: cost of 3x green dragon hide  + cost of tanning each


Given those numbers, how high can you possible set the price of tanning noted hides? 

If you charge 1k each, the price to tan the hides is already 3k. 

Then you must factor in the cost of the green dragon hide (let's say 1k each - big underestimate).

This makes the price to produce a single green d'hide body 6k, which is already 25% more than the alch price.  


Blue d'hide body 

Alch price: 5,616


Red d'hide body

Alch price: 6,738


Black d'hide body

Alch price: 8,088


What's my point?


Who cares about sinking GP from d'hide bodies?  Barely any gp even enters the game this way.  

The time it takes to kill 3 black dragons, tan the hides, craft the body, and alch it for 8k gp -> already makes this horrible GP/hour

Now juxtapose that with thieving elves at priffdinas, where players can literally click once and earn 8k gp.



I support this proposal, a point I should have made clearer in my previous posts. My aim was simply to avoid any potential gold benefit from it.

In Topic: Tanning Noted Hides

27 June 2024 - 10:01 AM

i wonder why this was never suggested before, would be a great qol, add some fees to be able to make them tanned (noted), could be a small money sink and a huge time saver.


i only see possitive out of it, support. great suggestion


In order for it to serve as a gold sink for Alora, the price would need to be set at a high level. It is important to consider the gold obtained from high alching dragonhide bodies. 

In Topic: June 2024 MOTM (Poll)

26 June 2024 - 12:10 PM

Real Alan has earned my vote for his unwavering commitment to enhancing the game through his valuable suggestions and bug reports.

In Topic: Tanning Noted Hides

26 June 2024 - 12:06 PM

You should have the capability to tan more than 8,000 dragonhide within an hour by using the tan leather spell - if this feature is not available in Alora as it is in OSRS, it ought to be implemented.

In Topic: Completionist Cape / Monkey requirement proposals.

24 June 2024 - 01:04 PM

People in this community tend to overlook the significance of the completionist cape. It is not solely based on skills or PvM activities, but rather on engaging with all aspects of the game to a reasonable extent. The completionist cape represents fully experiencing the entirety of Old School RuneScape/Alora, rather than simply acquiring every possible reward.