Playing the “lawyer”, rules this, rules that.
You chose to play the game of “free will”, trying to do whatever you want.
Its allowed, no problems, the thing is though, with that game, comes the “free will”, of others also, not just you.
You got rekt, and it is , what it is, sit and deal with it bro.
But how you gonna expect the public to have sympathy for you, when you literally go around and say fuck you to an admin?
Thats like a soldier, deciding one day, fuck this general, and publicly insult him.
Guess whats gonna happen to that soldier ? Much worse than a “ban”.
Trolling aside though, idk what experiences people have with To Gain, but he helped me, and others too, with small things that he couldve easily ignored, and helped with important stuff also.
Very down to earth guy, and very helpful.
So I personally can’t see, why you chose this Admin, over literally any other person?
Honor amongst thieves is a thing, think Robin Hood, if u gonna troll, atleast troll someone deserving and make it so that the public will agree.
And regarding jagex and allowed on osrs btw, jagex is a sinister company full of scumbags, theres hundreds of thousands of people who literally get banned, for literally NO reason, and lose years of progress.
And the mods and staff on jagex are not “allowing” either, you get muted for the stupidest things.
Even youtubers with a big influence get fucked over by jagex.
But yeah, you said respect is earned, well, To Gain, has earned mine, by being helpful and a down to earth guy.
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