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Member Since 02 May 2024
Online Last Active Today, 12:16 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Spring '25] Community Awards

18 March 2025 - 05:29 AM




Best Event Manager: moe


Best Administrator: mufasa


Best Global Moderator: brask aka paul aka knud


Best Forum Moderator: kareem sqr


Best Server Moderator:  brask aka paul aka knud


Best Server Support:  brask aka paul aka knud


Most active on Discord: H


Most active In-game: H


Most active on Forums: H


Most Respected: Moe


Most Potential Promotion: omicorn


Funniest Staff Member: moefasa


Overall Best Staff Member: Moe






Most Active In-game: variant(not for a week tho)

Most Active Yapper:@Variant

Most Active on Forums: radagon


Most Active on Discord: radagon


Most Active Overall: radagon


Most Wealthy: stormy


Most Addicted to Gambling: variant


Most Friendly: radagon


Coolest Veteran: radagon

Best Planker:0ne nintey

Best Fashionscaper:radagon

Best Bankstander:scim tamber


Best Helper: Bonk


Best PKer: 46


Best PvMer: radagon


Best Raider: radagon


Best Skiller: radagon


Best Clan: aftermath cc


Best Ironman: radagon


Best Hardcore Ironman: c ous


Best Ultimate Ironman: buzzard tony


Best Elite Ironman: bonk


Best Group Ironman (Player): variant


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Player): julewicki(my crush)


Best Realism Player: real praxi


Best Classic Player: c lassic


Best GFX Designer: what?


Best Youtuber: firegirl


Best Streamer: real praxi


Top Overall: radagon

In Topic: Dragon arrows to pkp store

14 January 2025 - 09:55 AM

why the fuck not

is my opinion

In Topic: [Winter '24] Community Awards

20 December 2024 - 12:17 PM




Best Event Manager: Moe


Best Administrator: 


Best Global Moderator: U


Best Forum Moderator: YeetMcSkeet


Best Server Moderator: 807


Best Server Support: 


Most active on Discord: H


Most active In-game: H


Most active on Forums: 


Most Respected: Moe


Most Potential Promotion: 


Funniest Staff Member: Mufasa


Overall Best Staff Member: Moe






Most Active In-game: L ucas


Most Active on Forums: MHU


Most Active on Discord: Tamber


Most Active Overall: Tamber


Most Wealthy: to gain


Most Addicted to Gambling: Variant


Most Friendly: MHU


Most Respected: MHU


Coolest Veteran: MHU


Best Helper: MHU


Best PKer: Gigawatt


Best PvMer: L ucas


Best Raider: 


Best Skiller: Phanny phart


Best Clan: Gulpp


Best Ironman: MHU


Best Hardcore Ironman: Kbd toilet


Best Ultimate Ironman: Ahk


Best Elite Ironman: yautja


Best Group Ironman (Player): Maliketh


Best Group Ironman (Team): 


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Player): Julewicki


Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Team): 


Best Realism Player: Deaf irl


Best Classic Player: none (they suck)


Best GFX Designer: idk what that is


Best Youtuber: 


Best Streamer: 


Top Overall: Mhu

In Topic: Alora's 8th Anniversary - BIGGEST DROP PARTY YET & $1200 Value G...

01 November 2024 - 01:53 PM

Big 8 years good stuff


In Topic: Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes

27 October 2024 - 12:56 AM

I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]

Technoblade , NaSeY7 


II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?

Hardcore ironman


III. What is your Discord ID?



IV. What is your game-time?

 20 days

V. What is your total Boss Kill count?


VI. How did you find out about us?

Heard u wanted a good hc after tambor died


*Please be aware that it may take up to 24 hours for your application to be accepted/declined*


*If u add a picture, make sure to add the URL and NOT the picture itself!*