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Member Since 23 Apr 2024
Offline Last Active Jun 17 2024 07:48 PM

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In Topic: More slots in TP

15 May 2024 - 03:19 PM

+ U have a lot more savings = more items = more money to make in overnight.
 - U will need to lower prices every hour because of how many players have slots and you will have to check what kind of prices are for that item. Cuz players first check history then do price.

This is a good summary of the results of the change if implemented, yes. I will add:

+ Clear out bank space

+ New players have increased access to low-tier materials
+ Older/wealthier players can do more merching if they like, thanks to more people being able to list their items. (I don't flip as a matter of conscience, but I know rich people like to get richer. Buying/selling stuff is just something for the elites to do.)
+ Easier price checking, no mysterious unlisted items with no sale history (There are more of these than you think!)

- It's change and some people hate change

- It makes donors feel less special for losing one (out of like a hundred) perks of being donors, and donors hate not feeling special

- There will be more uncertainty in prices early on, and it will take a bit of time getting used to price-checking things when there are actually listed prices to compare them against, rather than just guessing.
- During the first few days after the change, it may take a bit longer to list items, and there may be some re-adjusting as people realize what things cost in a free economy.

I thought this suggestion would be received well by the community, because some of the ads i've seen while voting for Alora specifically said "Free Economy." I'll grant that I've only been playing for a little over two weeks, but still I have yet to see that free economy. I see a price-fixed economy full of predatory pricing, dominated by the super-elite. 

In Topic: More slots in TP

15 May 2024 - 09:04 AM

I'll accept your difference of opinion on this matter @Folivora. I think early skilling supplies are a huge pain to get, and I lamped/used tears of guthix to get smithing, crafting and Construction to 80+.

There is very little demand for (ugly) treasure trail fashion items. I regularly see trimmed low-level armors and trimmed wizards robes on the ground. Seeing these items for low prices on the TP is a good thing, it reflects their low value and if someone wants it for collection log or whatever, they can have it.

I'm not struggling for bank space - yet - but the nature of the trading post being a "search for what you want" system makes it seem, to me, like putting unwanted items in the trading post is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

Finally, I would LOVE to see more competition in sale prices. I think there is a lot of price fixing going on. Competition is an inherently good thing when speaking about markets. I wonder where the idea of "competition is bad" is coming from?

In Topic: More slots in TP

15 May 2024 - 06:57 AM

The reason all the items you listed are inactivity traded is not because of the lack of trading slots, but because they can all be outright be bought mostly from npcs. No support whatsoever, it will just make the trading post be full of shit

Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry that an Ironman felt the need to post in a thread specifically about trading with other players, but I'll address your points.

Torstol seeds (I think it's dwarf weed and up but I'm not sure) cannot be bought from NPCs. Fruit tree seeds above Orange (papaya, pineapple, cumquat, and dragonfruit) cannot be bought from NPCs. These are from PVM only and infrequently traded due to the opportunity cost of listing them instead of something else. As for sharks and other supplies, why shouldn't players be allowed (read: not extremely discouraged by the system) to list their supplies even though the NPCs also sell them? Can you tell me specifically who that harms?


@Mtam I hadn't thought of using alt accounts. Thank you, I will certainly be doing that since the vocal minority of the player base doesn't seem to want Alora to grow.


Okey, so for more trading post, u get more slots when u have higher donor status (look for ::perks ingame command to see how many u get). from lucky imps, are Dragons arrows, dart tips, now that a item that ppl will buy always.

NO support.

You certainly have a solid grasp on the English language, don't you? Specifically a death-grip, and I believe you're squeezing too hard.

Not everyone spawned into the world with infinite money. If you think getting donor rank is so easy, why don't you provide that service to others?

Lucky imps and Dragon imps are different, and have different drop tables. Thank you for your reply and I hope you have a wonderful day.


I would support increasing the limit by 4 for each rank. But to 64 is absolutely ridiculous. Also there is far more than 50 active non-ironmen. There's easily that many or more online at any given time.

No support.

Can you prove that claim? Can you go through the chat logs of (non-iron) people who hit the rare drop table and come out with more than, say, twenty names? I would be shocked if you could hit forty. Do you think having a more accessible economy would make for more staying power for both the elite and new players? Or no?

And what's it to you anyway, how many slots there are? It's an integer value. It would be the easiest thing in the world for the developers to change. There is already a scroll bar, the functionality is there; it's just a matter of whether or not the game is working for the community as a whole. I haven't ever seen your name in-game (maybe you play on alts? Maybe they are iron so this suggestion doesn't even affect you?) So I'm assuming you're one of the mega-rich who is done with Alora and just wants to stake everything on dds duels. If you'd like to provide any proof at all though, I welcome you to do so. Thank you for the reply.


64 slots is insane for all players. This would result in so many items being pumped in the Trading post that will never be sold. As of the uniques you get from puro puro, the latest update made it so you can store these items even when the set is not completed. These items we're already easy to get so they are not populair in the trading post.

No support

Thank you for the reply. Can you tell me how you find items on the trading post? Do you page through a list of recently added items, or all items sorted by price? No, I actually don't think the trading post has either of those functionalities.

Right. So, importantly, the trading post works by searching for an item. If you think about it logically instead of emotionally, that means that the number of items listed doesn't change anything at all about "too many items being pumped" into the trading post. You will search for an item and see the item listed, sorted by whether the seller is online, and lowest to highest price. It only adds competition.

As for "items are easy to get so they aren't popular in the trading post" - - you're kind of making my point for me, and I don't think you realize that. If you can buy items from NPCs, why shouldn't you be able to buy them from players who want to offer them at a competitive price? Oh, you wanted a stale economy where only twenty or so items are actively traded? Okay, but why does that benefit you SO MUCH that you don't want the economy to change in a way that would benefit everyone else but you? Can you tell me specifically?

Thank you all for your posts and have wonderful days.