+ U have a lot more savings = more items = more money to make in overnight.
- U will need to lower prices every hour because of how many players have slots and you will have to check what kind of prices are for that item. Cuz players first check history then do price.
This is a good summary of the results of the change if implemented, yes. I will add:
+ Clear out bank space
+ New players have increased access to low-tier materials
+ Older/wealthier players can do more merching if they like, thanks to more people being able to list their items. (I don't flip as a matter of conscience, but I know rich people like to get richer. Buying/selling stuff is just something for the elites to do.)
+ Easier price checking, no mysterious unlisted items with no sale history (There are more of these than you think!)
- It's change and some people hate change
- It makes donors feel less special for losing one (out of like a hundred) perks of being donors, and donors hate not feeling special
- There will be more uncertainty in prices early on, and it will take a bit of time getting used to price-checking things when there are actually listed prices to compare them against, rather than just guessing.
- During the first few days after the change, it may take a bit longer to list items, and there may be some re-adjusting as people realize what things cost in a free economy.
I thought this suggestion would be received well by the community, because some of the ads i've seen while voting for Alora specifically said "Free Economy." I'll grant that I've only been playing for a little over two weeks, but still I have yet to see that free economy. I see a price-fixed economy full of predatory pricing, dominated by the super-elite.