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Member Since 18 Apr 2024
Previous Username: Sicily
Offline Last Active Jul 11 2024 07:07 PM

#490658 colosseum waves for donators

Posted by Italy on 06 July 2024 - 08:56 AM

Unlike Inferno, that has 69 waves and takes on average 45min-1hour to complete, The Colosseum takes around 20 minutes to reach Sol Heredit so I don't think having donators start at later waves benefits that much.
Wave skipping on inferno is a time saving perk that pretty much skips 'filler waves' which makes sense on a RSPS. But wave skipping on a 11 waves minigame where each one of them represent a challenge is just lazy in my opinion.

There were already made significant changes to The Colosseum to make it more accessible and people are still figuring out ways of getting it for free... 


No Support from me

  • H and 45 like this

#490458 Hi New Player

Posted by Italy on 03 July 2024 - 04:56 PM

Welcome to Alora and good luck on your grind !

#488792 [13/6/24] The Colosseum, Alora Bingo, Nightmare Drop Rework, Libation Bowl...

Posted by Italy on 16 June 2024 - 06:16 AM

Very excited to grind colosseum! Thank you for yhe update @Omicron !
Also looking forward to the re-balance update :)

#488365 1 or 2 people ruining the server

Posted by Italy on 10 June 2024 - 02:29 AM

While I understand where you're coming from and that it turns said items kinda unaccessible to the least wealthy people it is still a free market as @Hsaid. You're in your right to criticize the hoarding of endgame gear but people are also in their right to hoard them... it's their money and it would not be fair to stop people from spending it how they want. They aren't breaking any game rules.

All the items being bought out are still free from their respective bosses and if people can't afford to give 3b for a tbow it's time to start sending some cox :)

#488026 May 2024 MOTM (Winner)

Posted by Italy on 04 June 2024 - 10:35 AM

Gratz on MOTM @Sagacious :)

#488007 Elder maul buff

Posted by Italy on 03 June 2024 - 06:53 PM

Fully support this change! Finally a use to the Elder Maul besides getting thrown into the Well or used for bank value.

#487615 My Problem with Staff

Posted by Italy on 29 May 2024 - 06:35 PM

Not gonna lie Alan, the importance and attention that you give to certain aspects of a literal RSPS with a community of 300ish people is starting to become worrisome... I get being frustrated or feeling wronged but the extent you take things is very disproportionate. You are also replicating the same actions you're criticizing people for. You're fishing for reactions and flame while pointing out flamebait from others. The replies on your GIM items post, this whole post talking negatively about staff, the "ruck staff" status, you've made the "Posting Disabled" thing your forum pfp and signature... it just doesn't make sense.

You're trying to become a martyr to a pointless cause. I respect being passionate about things but sometimes you just gotta let it go, man. This is one of those times.

#487566 Buying/Selling GIM Bank

Posted by Italy on 28 May 2024 - 05:05 PM

@Formula One educated you on how this suggestion doesn't make sense, whether that bothers you or not. No Support from me as well.

Also, it's not that deep. Just enjoy your playthrough and let people enjoy theirs.

#486326 Ironman mode

Posted by Italy on 08 May 2024 - 09:59 AM

The community demands Hardcore Ironman!