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bad game

Member Since 07 Mar 2024
Offline Last Active Today, 07:53 AM

#488217 GPU Update

Posted by bad game on 07 June 2024 - 02:24 AM

Not sure exactly how it all works but i believe there is something wrong in general with the current draw distance / extended map loading, screenshot below is from alora on the same tile i took. While you can see that i have 144 draw distance, in this tile it maxes out at 98, in most other known areas like edgeville, varrock teleport etc it maxes out at 102 draw distance, everything after that seems to be either not working or something is wrong within my own settings, i don't play osrs so can't compare it in a more accurate way.  My screenshot shows that it's even a bit more draw distance than your osrs one even tho it maxes at 98 draw distance so i have no clue where the fault lies, but would be nice to figure out if the current 102 - 144 draw distance can be used.



kXWGocf.png (1209×512) (imgur.com)