Discord name: Irongiantfe 9800
Alora account you will be participating with: Irongiantfe
Donator rank: £10
Timezone (US,AUS,EU): EU
How many hours do you plan on playing in total over the comp roughly (February 1st to February 8th) [7 Days]: 3-6 hours a day
What Content are you capable of doing? or willing to learn: can do cox and most bosses, willing to learn other raids (TOA, TOB ect)
What kind of gear do you have on the account you are participating with (ex: tbow, tent and trident):
ACB, Void, Tent, Wildy weapons.
Any Misc Notes you would like the captains to know about yourself? (Ex: busy IRL on Sunday, work schedule, low level and can't do X content, is Finnish so special rng...) I work thursdays and fridays, so wont be on 3-6 hours that day, more like 1-2 hours.
Bonus question: Would you like to be a captain of your team? (Yes/No/If nobody else wants) No