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Member Since 05 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 29 2023 01:55 AM

#471131 Geeza :-)

Posted by Geeza on 24 October 2023 - 03:02 PM

Heyo! thought i'd formally introduce myself :- )

I started playing this server around 2018 time but never really had the time to play due to being in the military. I work a normal job these days, so more time to hop on and enjoy this sever I fell in love with back in 2018! I maxed a few years back but unfortunately as aforementioned, I didn't have the time to continue playing.

My real name is Dan and I'm from the United Kingdom :- ) nice to meet you all and hope to see some of you In-game! be nice to make a few friends on this server to maybe PvM with :-)

My current goal is now to get the completionist cape and eventually all 200m skills on my main account. I've started an iron account called " quickness " which I will always be on from time to time, but the main account will be " geeza " :)

Glad to be back, hope to see you all In-game <3