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Member Since 13 Jan 2024
Previous Username: praxi gim
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2025 07:51 AM

Topics I've Started

gim trading post

19 November 2024 - 09:58 PM

What is your suggestion?: add a trading post for GIM players

Is this in OSRS?: no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: it would allow group ironman players to have a trading post where they can buy/sell items directly to eachother and other groups without having to go through the tedious process of leaving and joining eachothers group, therefore making a far more user friendly environment for all the players who have 0 integrity already anyway

allow presets to also utilize group storage

01 July 2024 - 09:16 PM

What is your suggestion?: allow the presets plugin to also search group storage

Is this in OSRS?: no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: allow the preset plugin to have an option somewhat like a tick box that will allow it to draw items from the group storage that GiM and EiM players have access to thus making for a more stream lined item sharing system for players where this game feature exists. a good example would be my current group would like to just stockpile resources (food, potions, runes, ammo) all in one place and take from them as and when we want but we dont because the preset function requires items in your personal bank.

force unequip comp cape/monkey

16 June 2024 - 02:28 PM

What is your suggestion?: force unequip the comp camp/monkey for anyone not reaching its requirements.

Is this in OSRS?: yes, all items are instantly unequiped when you no longer reach the requirements to wear

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: unequip the comp cape and monkey for every single player that doesnt meet the new requirements to wear it.

im seeing pkers still wearing the skeletal monkey and im seeing multiple people (who are the same vocal people saying the new requirements are fine anytime someone says anything even remotely differing in opinion) still wearing the comp cape and monkey to benefit from its stats and just circumventing unequipping it by no longer using the preset function on runelite. bit of a joke if you ask me.

1 or 2 people ruining the server

09 June 2024 - 07:33 AM

while i am an ironman who this problem doesnt affect, i still have more than 1 braincell in my head and can see the problem facing players and therefore provide my personal feedback on the issue. i feel there are currently a single digit number of players at the moment on the server who are making it their personal mission to make the game as unfun as possible for as many people as possible. im talking ofcourse of jeff bezos players of the server who are buying up every single piece of endgame gear possible for the sole purpose of not letting anyone else have them. this is a huge problem for the server and, in my opinion, a massive turn off for new players coming in who can see nothing is available for them so they end up leaving because theres nothing to aim at. it needs addressing. i am under no delusion about how a free market works, but at a certain point you need to intervene when the personal enjoyment of one or two people negatively affects a large number of players.

scale tob to solo

27 May 2024 - 08:36 AM

What is your suggestion?: scale ToB down to 1 player scale like it says in the ingame tips

Is this in OSRS?: no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: maybe somewhere in 154 pages of suggestions

How would this benefit Alora?: ToB is a pain in the ass the get decent tob groups, having to be online as certain times of day to overlap with the play times of certain players to maybe get lucky with 1 or 2 kc. tob should scale down to 1 player scaling so people can reliable solo it and farm at their own conveniance. people might point out that its already soloable if you have max gear, but i would argue that if you need to gimmick mechanics in the best gear the game has to offer, then its not reliably soloable.