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Member Since 02 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2018 07:12 PM

Topics I've Started

Clan Tags

23 March 2017 - 02:32 PM

Hey there, so I just want to start off by saying this is an idea formed by the collaboration of some of my #TNG Clanmates, as well as some of the community members who have posted below.


The idea is something seen in a few other servers, which is in-game Clan Tags. Maximum of 3 letters (to prevent spam), this would help people figure out what clan everyone is from. This is especially helpful in the Wilderness as bigger clans have trouble remembering all their new recruits. 

Now to prevent masses of people creating their own Clans just to have a cool little Tag beside their name, players would have to register their Clan Name in-game by talking to an NPC and paying a fee of perhaps 5-10m; #Moneysink. This price is only temporary and I would like to know what price you guys think it should be. Now in order for new recruits to have your Clan Tag in their name, as the Clan Owner, you can either invite a player into your clan and have them accept, or a player may apply to join your clan and you the Clan Owner can choose to accept or deny. This can all be done at an NPC as well, where you can also choose to set your Clan as "Invite-Only", to prevent dozens of unwanted spam applications.




  • Clan Tag appears beside the Player's username
  • Clan Tag is a maximum of 3 letters.
  • As the Clan Owner, to create your Clan Tag you must talk to an NPC and pay a fee of perhaps 50-100m (It is this high to make Clan Tags more respected as it's a 3-letter tag added to all Clan Member's usernames) #Moneysink
  • A Playtime requirement of 1-2 days is needed to create a Clan Tag  - Credits to  Iron Flee
  • Certain ranks can invite players to officially join the Clan with a Clan Tag
  • Players can apply to join the clan and obtain the Clan Tag.
  • Clan Owners can choose to set the Clan as "Invite Only"
  • Option to toggle on/off Clan Tags from being visible to you   - Credits to Error



  • Helps Clans identify their clanmates in the Wilderness
  • Can be deemed an official way of joining a Clan
  • #Moneysink when creating the Clan Tag


  • Clan Tags may look tacky to some (however being able to toggle them being visible to you will counter this)

Example by Syntax





Thanks for reading, and please let me know what you think and if you have any further ideas to build on top of this!

Referral Rewards System

06 March 2017 - 08:22 PM

Today I found out that there was once a referral rewards system in the beginning. However one of the major cons was that it was automated, allowing people with vpns to get unlimited rewards. To combat this, we could make it so in order for the referrer to receive the referral points/rewards, the referree must reach an in-game Playtime of 24 hours, a certain Total Level or even complete a certain amount of Achievements tasks. This ensures that players cannot just constantly make new accounts to reap the benefits. The referree's must actually play the game.



Referree Reequirements

- Must achieve an in-game Playtime of 24 hours.

- Or a Total Level of 1500. (This is roughly a level of 68-69 in every skill not including Construction)

- Or complete 30 Achievement tasks



- 20% Bonus exp for 1 hour

- Pest Control points

- Crystal Keys

- Or whatever rewards were in the old Referral Rewards

(Please take note that these rewards are only an example and would not be the actual rewards in place. Further thought would be put into the rewards if the system was brought back)

If you have any suggestions for rewards please let me know!



- More players

- More players = more votes and donations



- Too many players could overcrowd certain areas of PvM such as Bosses and Slayer



With a Referral System, we could even add an Achievement task to refer x-amount of players!


Please let me know what your thoughts are! And if you have more/better ideas to build on top of this such as better rewards, share them and I will add it to this post and give you credit for your additions.

HCIM Downgrade to Normal Iron Man

04 March 2017 - 02:03 AM

Today as a HCIM I decided to spend the 10m to remove my HCIM status in hopes of just being a normal Iron Man. Little did I know, paying the 10m would remove my Iron Man status completely, making me a normal player. I think we should have the option to choose whether we want to pay to downgrade to a normal Iron Man or to remove our Iron Man status completely. 




Hardcore Iron Man > Normal Iron man = 5m

Hardcore Iron Man > Normal Player = 10m


This way if players still want to enjoy the Iron Man experience but with the ability to use banks, then they can do so easily.