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Member Since 11 Nov 2023
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2025 06:45 PM

Topics I've Started

Maxing Every Mode

29 July 2024 - 07:34 PM

Periodic Progress on maxing every mode :D (progress post 9/23/24)

This was something that I decided I wanted to do after maxing the UIM. I immediately made the EIM and started hard on it. I still play the GIM as I enjoy the clogging aspect of the game too. The normie was made to sell dupes and what not, slowly working on the maxing grind for that account. Eventually I'll get there.

So far:

Normie (Normalize HP): Total 2206 (19 of 23) - Just got slayer and herblore. All that's left is Construction, Hunter, Smithing, and Thieving. Construction and Hunter are in my cross hairs now.

This account will be for dupes from all the different ironmen after it maxes.


Ironman (HP Forever): Total 1185 (3 of 23)



GIM (GIMP HP): Maxed - Post maxing goal currently is re-obtaining serp helm. Died afking kbd.



UIM (Mobile HP): Maxed - Post maxing grind:

Started trident grind around 15 August

Obtained trident and full elite void on 31 August after over 1400 Kraken KC

Went and got my firecape as well after obtaining my crystal bow from Zulrah during the 25 kc diary requirement

Actively working on getting DK rings. Archers was obtained a while back. Currently focused on getting zerker.

On the side I'm working on getting a full set of Ahrims and Karils and knocking out various achievement diary tasks.


EIM (Surprise HP): Total 1296 (1 of 23) - Current goal is completing the todt log. 75 kc as of right now still missing tome and pet. (50m exp gained)



Realism: Not yet made



Classic (Classical HP): Made in preparation for when the Iron or Normie Maxes



HCIM: Not yet made