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You 4 lunch

Member Since 01 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2017 06:39 PM

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In Topic: Make one item ragging bannable!

21 March 2017 - 05:07 PM

@Daily I don't know to delete tag. Tell me.

It is called me not wasting to much time typing here with a person that is not worthy of my time. Call it whatever you like yourself though. I know my truths.

In Topic: Ragging

21 March 2017 - 04:59 PM

To many rules to many topics now. I just wanted the one item rag to stop. Admins discuss it friday. The topic is alive we will hear more after it I guess. Good luck to you guys and have fun, also let me have fun with this game to yes? Thanks.

In Topic: Make one item ragging bannable!

21 March 2017 - 04:40 PM

@Daily I edited post to remove name, also this is not fueled by emotion or anything else. I pmed just in game about a hour ago to have a talk on discord about it all. You ignored it so you had the chance to talk. Did not say it was personal did I? I said you continiously hit me while rushing which then implies that you targeted me at the moment. Anyway we will all see what the staff decides about it. I am against ragging in general but it is part of RS. You are making it personal yourself now I will remove you from anything of this topic to make sure you realize this is not about you anymore it is about the others then. Ragging in my opinion is a sad non skill move to do, just because you have time on your hands to kill does not mean we all do. Or all want to waste our time on it. I am just riddling on now since I can't be bothered to make it look like a propper response for you since I do not care the slightest about you in this game. 

Dear reader,


Are you also tired of these raggers after lvl 5 ragging you everywhere demanding a payment? Then this is the topic for you to read and change this for ever in this beautiful rsps delivered us by great staff!

The raggers that I have seen who are seriously trying to damage PK/Skill areas in wildy are: Turban Eater and Mourinho. They take great pride in ruining this for all of us other players. Are we going to allow this to happen? I don't think so. 


What can we do about it besides of course hating these players in game? We can petition to make one item ragging bannable. I think it would be a great idea if we set at least a minimum of 110k+ risk to be allowed to rag one another after level 5 wilderness. 


I prefer ragging to be banned in general since it is a very low kind of thing to do on Runescape, especially on a RSPS. Maybe some people disagree on this so can we at least try to get this rule in place so that we keep making money of these 3 ragger guys trying to ruining the wilderness for us?


I hope you all sign the petition below here with a comment saying; Aye!


Kind regards,


You 4 Lunch

Do not see your name in it anymore so pay attention please I edited 20minutes ago already.

In Topic: Make one item ragging bannable!

21 March 2017 - 04:10 PM

@Daily, topic made by one of your members. Including you saying I cannot hear you. I just put you alon with the rest of the team. By the way you have rushed me over 100 times in edge. So don't act all innocent now I can see rushing as ragging to when continiously performed on the same guy aka me. Don't care about your support you are one of the rush/raggers anyway. Will remove you out of post but do not come here with false defamation accusations when clearly you are part of that tribute rag team. Also look at alora awards best ragger? Hypocrite much.


In Topic: Make one item ragging bannable!

21 March 2017 - 03:34 PM

That is exactly what I am saying peach boy, also nice comment Syntax I think the coin coffer could be nice but also brings other issues with it though