Best Event Manager: @Moe
Best Administrator: @Moe
Best Global Moderator: @
Best Forum Moderator: @
Best Server Moderator: @
Best Server Support:
Most active on Discord: @Logan
Most active In-game: @
Most active on Forums: @
Most Respected: @Moe
Most Potential Promotion: @
Funniest Staff Member: @H
Overall Best Staff Member: @
Most Active In-game: @
Most Active Yapper:@
Most Active on Forums: @Real Alan
Most Active on Discord: @HoldinAP
Most Active Overall: @
Most Wealthy: @Shado
Most Addicted to Gambling: @Chloe
Most Friendly: @
Coolest Veteran: @
Best Planker:@HCIM Tamber
Best Fashionscaper:@Yautja
Best Bankstander:@Shado
Best Helper: @
Best PKer: @
Best PvMer: @EIMCastiOnix
Best Raider: @EliteDefense
Best Skiller: @idkmyname
Best Clan: @GULPP cc
Best Ironman: Radagon
Best Hardcore Ironman: @HCIM Tamber
Best Ultimate Ironman: @
Best Elite Ironman: @EliteDefense
Best Group Ironman (Player): @Gimbikestealer
Best Hardcore Group Ironman (Player): @Julewicki
Best Realism Player: @chutzpah
Best Classic Player: @VARlANT
Best GFX Designer: @Pase
Best Youtuber: @
Best Streamer: @
Top Overall: @Count Ross
- Ruwk, EIMCastiOnix, Moe and 8 others like this