What is your suggestion?:
Players can load a list of commands in game by typeing `::commands` into chat, however this list is incomplete. This list should be expanded to include teleports and their destinations. Here's a list of the ones I'm heard about through chat:
::fish - Fishing Guild
::fg - Farming Guild
::wg - Warriors Guild
::thieve - Thieving stalls north of the edgevile bank
::fish - Fishing guild
There are undoubtedly commands I'm unaware of.
Alternatively, the teleport menu could be modified to include the chat shortcut. More players will probably notice this.
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
I've searched the forums and could not find a similar suggestion.
How would this benefit Alora?:
This would improve discoverability of teleport locations that are sometimes advertised through in game broadcasts. Players could be trained to use `::commands` instead of asking for specific commands to teleport locations.