What is your suggestion?: How support posts/ suggestions are dealt with i find weird. i needed help with donation support and my topic was just deleted didn't get to see what happened or what the answer was to my problem, but I've seen other posts have short answered replies and topics been deleted or archived.
I've also seen some really good suggestions get declined because why? devs or owners don't agree with it? i feel there should be a voting system either on discord or in game. bring the players into it, one big one i thought would of been great would to be to have a teleport wizard at donator zone. we donate as iron men for some small items but in total we get access to super donator zone and there's nothing there. i get you don't want to take people away from edgeville but you see no one at edgeville anyway? I've been on when there's 400 people on and i was just like well where is everyone? even still I'm sure majority of the server is a 10$ rank or above anyway even still with something as small as adding a teleporter to dzone may give new players the incentive to donate? and more money into the server means more competitions/giveways? not a bad thing right? but all in all I'd just like suggestions to be able to be discussed about or other people giving there opinion may open up a brainstorming topic where at the end of it we all come together to think of something game changing that will improve the server. thankyou.
Is this in OSRS?: voting system/poll system is sure.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: teleporter at dzone was denied
How would this benefit Alora?: cleaner efficient gameplay. more money through the server.
also i haven't played alora very long so unsure if anything like this is already implemented.