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Member Since 07 Apr 2023
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2023 07:16 AM

Topics I've Started

New To Server

10 April 2023 - 07:47 PM

Just hoping I don’t afk at Hellhounds and die while bursting a task.

But also, I want to be raiding solo 150’s in TOA by the end of the year. Never done it before.

Guardians of the Rift tweaks.

10 April 2023 - 07:44 PM

GOTR is seldom “Massed” and rarely can you find willing players. While I already know the fragments required to finish a round is scaled per player as is Guardians you can summon. It seems as though even if you play almost perfectly SO many monsters break through and you get overran. Is there any chance we can just scale how much damage the minions do.

“Get good” is the response people give me but I have barriers filled every run almost and a strong or overcharged minion always up. Seems tougher than it needs to be for an RSPS with less than useful rewards.

Thanks, hope we can make this minigame fairly doable for the average player as solo content.