HC Sphinx
The Schamv
The Schmav
Can't wait to play with you lads. Referred by Apnea
. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]
HC Sphinx
The Schamv
The Schmav
II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?
everything - have some alts I'm trying to recover bt all in all I have 2 extreme iron, hc and one normie
III. What is your Discord ID?
IV. What is your game-time?
22 days - but the HC im trying to recover def has about 100 days
V. What is your total Boss Kill count?
zero on the normie and ironmen, the hc probabaly around 2-5k?
VI. How did you find out about us?
Apnea has BDE and after destroying me in wilderness asserted full dominance like a sigma and invited me to join