I've decided to set myself a few goals,
-Max (complete)
-Obtain certain items from zulrah: Complete ( 9/12/2023 )
- magic fang [ x ]
-Tanz fang [ x ]
-Serpentine Visage [×]
-General Graardor
-Bandos Chestplate [x]
-Bandos Tassets [x]
-Bandos Boots [ ]
Commander zyliana
-Armadyl crossbow [ x ]
-Saradomin hilt [ ]
Kril (Complete)
-Zammy spear [ x ]
-Primordial crystal [ ]
-Pegasian crystal [ ]
-Eternal Crystal [ ]
Achieve 200m Thieving through vamps.
-46m xp currently 9/14/2023
Achieve 200m Cooking
20m xp Currently 9/14/2023
Demonic Gorillas
-Obtain all zenytes for all zenny jewelery
Anguish [ x }
-Torture [x]
Ring of suffering [x]
Complete 100 Gauntlet/ Corrupted Gauntlet
-Gauntlet kc 2 Corrupted 0
Complete 100 Chambers of xeric
Achieve 200m Farming Xp
-26m xp currently as of 9/10/23
-Tangleroot acquired
-Have it banked.
Just a few goals. More to come, will be updated regularly.