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osrs is hard

Member Since 07 Feb 2023
Previous Username: The IRS
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2024 07:28 PM

#476853 GOTR

Posted by osrs is hard on 10 January 2024 - 11:26 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Here are a few suggestions to make our GOTR more similar to OSRS.


1. Add the GOTR plugin to the plugin hub:

-Main improvements are the portal timer, highlighting the current open rifts, and countdown to when the game will start



2. Remove the requirement to have a chisel to make the essence for the minigame (it isn't required in OSRS)


3. Add the stamp to show the # of essence in your rune pouches that it currently holds:




Is this in OSRS?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

Brings us closer to OSRS, and will make the game more enjoyable/strategic if you can plan things out better with these updates.

#475694 CG

Posted by osrs is hard on 27 December 2023 - 11:54 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Corrupted Gauntlet improvements listed below. to build off of this https://www.alora.io...68-gauntlet-cg/



1. Update the look of the armour and weapons in CG to match OSRS.

Perfected weapon/armour on OSRS should be red, attuned should be purple.



2. When using a vial on the fishing spot, it should fill all available vials, not just the one you used on it.


3. When Hunllef changes protection prayers, your player should stop auto attacking, this is how it works on OSRS.


4. Hunllef needs to change its prayers way faster than it currently does. When reaching the 6th attack, currently you can mage it on its 6th attack, switch to your bow, and itll register the range attack before the mage (making it keep prot from range on instead of mage even if mage was the 6th attack). There also seems to be a 2-4 tick delay in general when it switches prayers. This delay doesn't exist in OSRS, it switches fast enough to be faster than me switching weapons and reattacking it right away.


5. The corrupted staff should hit 1 tick faster, being as fast as the corrupted bow. This is how it is on OSRS.



Is this in OSRS?:

All of these are in OSRS


How would this benefit Alora?:

Brings us closer to OSRS for CG and will make it more pleasing for the players who are grinding it as well.

#474821 Gauntlet & CG

Posted by osrs is hard on 15 December 2023 - 01:30 PM

What is your suggestion?:

When creating anything at the singing bowl in the gauntlet or CG, there shouldn't be a delay in creating the items. Currently theres like a 3-4 tick delay, while in OSRS there's no delay

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Would make Gauntlet runs slightly faster, easier to spam click to get everything made, brings us closer to osrs


#471549 Prayer Delay

Posted by osrs is hard on 30 October 2023 - 09:25 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Currently there is a delay when turning on, or switching prayers. Since it's been around for so long, I feel it's intended, thus I'm suggesting it be changed to instant prayer changes on the tick you flick it. 


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?



How would this benefit Alora?:

Any new players arriving to Alora will find it SUPER buggy when they pray flick and find out they're still being hit through prayer because of this delay. This would also make pking, escaping pkers, and pvm significantly more enjoyable knowing that when you click, the client will react immediatly. Furthermore, future updates (such as DT2 bosses) essentially require this to be fixed, and with the current delay in turning on, or changing, prayers it will make these experiences awful for current, and new players. I didn't realize how bad it was on Alora until I started playing OSRS for a while, and wow is it hard to switch between the 2.

#470785 COX

Posted by osrs is hard on 20 October 2023 - 05:01 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Update COX to OSRS's 'potential changes' version. Although this isn't implemented yet, it has massive support from everyone in the community, and if for some random reason it didn't happen, it would still be a huge boost for Alora's COX

Is this in OSRS?:

99% it will be

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?:

CoX would match OSRS before CoX in OSRS matches OSRS, it would also make it more enjoyable for newer players and vets alike.


Because there's a lot of changes coming I feel it'd be easier to link the direct osrs website blog post below.




Update: it passed in OSRS

#454878 Lower Mimic pet rate

Posted by osrs is hard on 07 March 2023 - 12:03 PM

Support! 1/128 seems reasonable since if you only did masters (which is best odds for a mimic) that's still on average 1,920 master clues to hit the drop rate of pet. Which idk if any Alorian player has even done that many yet.


Current drop pet rate would be 36,120 master clues to hit, which sounds like you'd finish all 3rd age pieces a few times over before that. Considering it's this rare I also support removing the ez method of receiving through daily login and replacing it with an alternative pet or roll at a pet from the current log in streak.


Obv the 'ez method' is still stupid rng, but would be faster than completing 36k master clues

#454877 Loyalty Shop Collection Log

Posted by osrs is hard on 07 March 2023 - 11:57 AM

No support, not in osrs and looks dumb, loyalty shop needs a revamp, but not for collection log purposes

#454423 Daily Skippable Clues

Posted by osrs is hard on 01 March 2023 - 11:06 AM

We already have this, vote daily, buy sherlock note, skip clue of any tier ezpz. No support