Congratulations to Mufasa and Krest on their big promotions! All the best to the both of them in their newest roles.
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#452584 Staff Update 2/2/23
Posted by Accident Man
on 02 February 2023 - 01:06 PM
#452093 Staff Appreciation Thread
Posted by Accident Man
on 27 January 2023 - 05:10 PM
I would just like to spare some of my time to give my appreciation to the Alora staff team.
I have not played a RSPS for 4 or maybe 5 years now, nor OSRS for several years until recently. I played OSRS for a short while but stopped again. I could not invest my time into such a slow-paced game, and a majority of my online friends no longer play, so because of that I also got bored of OSRS fairly quickly. I wanted to perpetuate playing OSRS, but at an expeditious pace than in the normal game, where I can reach the maximum level and unlock the highest features much more expeditiously and ascend to the top without having to spend hundreds or even thousands of hours. I was also looking for a smaller community with serious gamers who are actually passionate about the game and develop vigorous bonds together, so therefore rather than leaving the RS scene completely again, I decided to look for an RSPS, and I stumbled upon Alora and it was exactly what I was looking for.
I plan to be here for a long time and I look very forward to doing so, with thanks to the Alora staff team, as well as the wondrous community Alora has built in its incredible 6-year journey.
If anyone else would like to give appreciation to the Alora staff team, or a member of staff in particular, you are more than welcome to share it here.
#452091 Staff Update 1/20/23
Posted by Accident Man
on 27 January 2023 - 04:16 PM
Congrats to all the newly promoted! Happy to see no resignations or demotions in this staff update.
From my personal experience, N has been doing an excellent job in his new staff position thus far. He is very helpful, has a great attitude, and he is always expeditious in responding to those in need of support. I look forward to watching him progress as a member of staff as time goes on.
- Moe and fartmonster6 like this
#452089 2023 Charity Event - Big Prizes
Posted by Accident Man
on 27 January 2023 - 04:02 PM
I admire you, 17. We are lucky to have someone like you in the Alora community. Good job to everyone else who contributed to help a good cause.
I am a little short on money currently due to Christmas recently passing and moving houses, however, I have managed to contribute $10.00 to the fundraiser.