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Member Since 18 Dec 2022
Offline Last Active Apr 02 2024 08:29 PM

#479063 Appeal channel on Discord

Posted by LionTime on 07 February 2024 - 02:37 PM

I don't think there is in need for a channel!

Not suprise coming from you.. it's funny becuase you're a same person who refer me to make appeal on forum now you saying this? That's kinda show me a lot about your actions as server moderator.


#479028 Appeal channel on Discord

Posted by LionTime on 06 February 2024 - 11:06 PM

What is your suggestion?:Alora's discord server definitely could add their appeal channel verison mainly just for Discord instead forcely directly to forum.

Is this in OSRS?: No just discord

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: I dont think I have even check previous one but dont feel like I want to

How would this benefit Alora?: It could benefit some people even include staff folks on discord. Excuse for my little language.. I just think it just B.S and bogus how some staff asking some players of alora go to on forum to appeal something about their mute on discord that not even ingame related. In my opinion, it just to me that they doesnt want deal with appeal on discord related with discord only. If no appeal channel in alora's discord channel so then what the point of staff roles on discord server when they can only mute then force them to appeal on the forum? That's wrong.. accord to ::rules if you had been mute for first time it could have been 24 hrs to get unmute but in fact I been waiting for few days to get unmute but nothing happened so then I contacted with few staffs about it and they refer me to forum. They refuse want to unmute me through discord. That system definitely need some changes for sure.