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createsolid hasn't added any friends yet.
18 November 2022 - 02:15 AM
This post is from 2020 and there is not a mimic casket in game that I know of. I fully support as this gives more motivation to do master clues plus it is in osrs.coreball
I totally agree. I've noticed the time and there isn't any duplication here.
18 November 2022 - 02:11 AM
Neutral I don't see why this shouldn't be added to the game, though on the other end there's no real point of this addition. Bird's Nests are easy to come by as it is through birdhouse runs, mole, konar, bossing etc.happy wheels Its a small QoL update, only if the Dev Team has time for it.
I don't see why this shouldn't be added to the game, though on the other end there's no real point of this addition.
Bird's Nests are easy to come by as it is through birdhouse runs, mole, konar, bossing etc.happy wheels
Its a small QoL update, only if the Dev Team has time for it.
Thanks for the explanation.