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Member Since 19 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 23 2018 02:32 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: raids rework (if possible)

12 February 2018 - 02:26 PM

Support this, Though the main thing that would be nice if we'd get randomized rooms with a higher point cap. Currently we get 7-14k points compared to the 20-30k points you get on osrs, whilst their raids are 20 mins long and ours range from 17-40 mins depending on how many people you take. 

this should be the suggestion!

In Topic: Salve Amulet

09 February 2018 - 09:00 AM

Great idea! 100% support!

In Topic: Destroying vials after finishing raids potions

08 February 2018 - 10:55 AM

Support..make it happen please

In Topic: January Suggestions [30/01/2018]

30 January 2018 - 01:49 PM

what about skillcape perks?

like cons for ironmen instead of house tabs....