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Member Since 19 Feb 2017
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In Topic: Add Elder Maul to pkp shop

28 June 2018 - 10:00 PM

It has a direct correlation? Go to the TP and look at how many ags', dclaws etc and compare it to the supply of elder mauls. While I know not everyone likes raids, I feel like it keeps up with the economys demand enough to where there aren't fourty of them like the other items and there are still alot of options in the pkp store to still be profitable.


Okay, I agree that there is correlation between the actual number of items in the tp, I mis-stated my previous reply. What I meant is essentially the items put into the pkp shop don't depend on how many of that item are in the tp. Additionally, what would be so wrong with a system that slowly introduces more elder mauls into the game(yet faster than raids). If anything, it would regulate the prices of it. Every week the price of elder maul variates by ~10-20m.


TLDR; It's not a bad thing to regulate the price of the mauls without introducing too many into the market.

In Topic: Add Elder Maul to pkp shop

28 June 2018 - 08:26 PM

No support, I think there is a healthy supply already from raids and feel it would cause an unnecessary surplus.

And there aren't a healthy supply of claws, ags', tassies, bcps, acbs, etc? The supply of the pkp shop has no correlation to the supply of items in the tp and in the game in general. It's purpose is to offer a different way to make money and unlock specific items for those few who actually do pk, I'm sorry but IMO that doesn't really seem like the most valid reason to say no.




That's going to be a NO from me.

Why? This is the same thing as just commenting "support" and not giving a reason.