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Member Since 25 Sep 2022
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2024 04:00 PM

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In Topic: Entry Mode TOB

21 January 2023 - 11:04 PM

If an elite diary being too easy with Entry Mode is a concern it could always be structured more like a TOA 50-150 invo difficulty and then provide a small chance for the avernic like they do for the fang. It doesn't have to exactly mirror OSRS.  Its just a shame that such a huge part of end game PVM and all of the new comp cape goals are locked behind the need to find a team willing to teach/learn with you.  I get TOB is meant to be a team activity but part of the appeal of an rsps is to make these sort of things more accessible. 

In Topic: Entry Mode TOB

21 January 2023 - 06:19 PM

Fair points about the difficulty, I agree that is not that difficult and certainly manageable for end game players. I was more so concerned with the requirements for teammates. For people who primarily play the game alone its annoying for this one requirement for an otherwise solo-able content reward to be locked behind a team structure.


I didn't want to make another "Make TOB solo-able so I can get my uniques" post since there are tons of those and the all get denied for valid reasons.  I figured Entry Mode would be a decent balance for diary comps and mechanic learning since its already in OSRS without affecting drop economy.