This has been suggested numerous times, and always declined. The reason the system allows instant target hunting is because unlike OSRS, there is only a whopping total of 300-400 people on this server if you don't include alts. You don't need a BH teleport to find fights OR pvmers in OSRS. Feel free to try OSRS Pking (or wildy pvming) for yourself if you don't believe me. You have 1 click teleports to bosses and presets that can allow you to teleport, get spec, rebank, and be back at a boss in under 20 seconds on here, including wilderness bosses. If you want to remove BH teleports because they are overpowered, add a cool down to wildy teleports too, so PVMers can stop insta tabbing and returning in 20 seconds. It's a two way street. Not to mention even when attempting to pk you can stand in wild for easily 30 minutes without even getting a target. No support at all.
I appreciate and understand your perspective. Thanks for the feedback.