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Member Since 15 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 27 2020 03:11 PM

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In Topic: Referral System

19 February 2017 - 10:19 PM

Just because you wouldn't abuse it doesn't mean others wouldn't, especially if there were in-game benefits to be had.


You can change hardware ids, there is software that allows it. I'm not super familiar with how HWID works since I'm a software developer, not an IT professional, but there are always ways of getting around these identifiers.

The issue is also this: If you have to create very complex security systems simply to prevent people from abusing a feature, is the feature really worth having? From the sounds of it you'd have more damn code relating to preventing people from abusing the system than the system itself will have in it.

The voting system: People use VPNs, but is it worth it to stop them? No - because it provides more people. A referral system: People can AFK train to 1,000 total level, 24 hours online, change their HWID, and use a Sock5 proxy, but is it worth it to stop them? No, because it provides more people. That's what I'm trying to point out.

In Topic: Referral System

19 February 2017 - 12:59 PM

IPs are easily masked. I get a different IP each time I connect to the internet. You can also just use proxies/VPNs.

There's no way to define active in programming. If it was based on time online or total skill level, you could just make a sock account and AFK/grind easy skills to get a free referral. You can't exactly make it so if they're not online after a certain time that it removes the bonuses since it's likely the player will have already taken advantage of them, you'd have to reroll their account to a very specific date and that's way more work than can be justified for what it achieves.

You have a dynamic IP, that is much different than using a proxy. Block all proxy header connections to the server. 


An example for an "active" member: 24 hours played, 1,000 total skill level. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't AFK on another account just to get a small prize. I'm not talking about referring 1 or 2 players, I'm talking hundreds. I'm not talking about them being physically active 100% of the time, I'm referring to reaching a milestone. You wouldn't reset the awards if one of the referred members quit the server. The original member referred a once active member of the game, they deserve to reap the benefits of it. We can still go deeper on the security of the program. We can use HWID, which uses many different system hardware system variables to create a unique identifier. You can also shoot it down by saying that you could mask the HWID, but would you personally go to that level to create several different accounts? DiD is what keeps every system you use safe and can be easily applied to anything if you have the knowledge.

In Topic: Clue Scroll Guide

18 February 2017 - 07:59 PM

Can you please put the coordinate section's coordinates ABOVE the two images? Having the path on top, then the coordinates and how to get there, then a picture of you standing there is very confusing on trying to figure out which clue I'm looking at.

In Topic: Referral System

18 February 2017 - 07:57 PM

No thanks. Too easy to manipulate.

How so? Only allow referrals from unique IPs and they must be active. Not too sure how you'd abuse that.