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Member Since 18 Apr 2022
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2024 11:48 PM

#432935 Seed Pack

Posted by BroknReality on 06 June 2022 - 07:53 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Allow players to have more than 1 seed pack at a time. This way we can save them and do a mass opening, or just not have to open it after each farming contract

Is this in OSRS?: I believe so

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: It would be a nice QoL for players who wish to save their seed packs and open at a later time.

#431552 Bonus XP

Posted by BroknReality on 20 May 2022 - 09:01 AM

I've also noticed the Runelite plugins Aren't in sync with games timers for certain boosters such as vote books and especially Drop boosters. Could be a Runelite issue specifically in regards to what I'm talking about.


+1 Support this triggers my ADHD not perfectly utilising boosters/vote books without time waste and the timers being out of sync as-well aha. 


definitely out of sync, here's a screenshot of what I'm looking at currently, I enlarged the bonus xp timer on the side to make it easier to read.



#431510 Bonus XP

Posted by BroknReality on 19 May 2022 - 12:01 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Allow accounts that currently can't stack bonus xp timers from vote books to replinish a vote books timer when there is 5 minutes left.

Is this in OSRS?: N/A

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?:

Makes it so you don't have to keep watching the timer when there's 5 minutes left to have to reuse a vote book, you can replinish it for the full hour. Small QoL that wouldn't be game breaking in any way.

#431047 Seed Packs

Posted by BroknReality on 13 May 2022 - 02:31 PM

What is your suggestion?:

Give an option to take out all seeds from seed packs with a right click option

Is this in OSRS?:

Not sure, but it should be if it's not

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


How would this benefit Alora?:

Would be a nice QoL to remove the annoyance of having to spam click it, not op at all and definitely not game breaking just adding something that should have been added from the beginning.

#430877 Collection Log Unlocks

Posted by BroknReality on 11 May 2022 - 02:30 PM

What is your suggestion?: When clicking collections logged in the quest tab it announces it announces it in game similar to the time stamp announcement pictured below

Is this in OSRS?: no

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: Would be a nice flex in game plus you can compare with others, and it just looks neat to have the game announce your achievements.



#430872 High Scores

Posted by BroknReality on 11 May 2022 - 01:56 PM

What is your suggestion?: Allow players to compare each other on the highscores

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Create a little friendly competition, makes Alora give a more official feel to OSRS, and the ability to assert your dominance over others


Picture for visualization purposes



#429561 Guardians of the Rift

Posted by BroknReality on 24 April 2022 - 02:04 PM

What is your suggestion?: Add perks to donator status's around the new minigame, Guardians of the Rift

Is this in OSRS?: No

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?:

I think this can be an open ended discussion, but my personal suggestion would be finding more pearls than average, or (if the current drop boost isn't applied) increase drop rate from the other uniques. Possibly allow a lower pay rate per rc outfit piece.