Welcome to my new OSRS Pure Progress
I have recently found an interest in playing OSRS again, and have decided to create a new pure on a fresh account. I will be posting almost daily when available, and weekly progress updates. Wish me luck
Feel free to add me: 'Eqxperience'
Type of Pure: 60 Attack Pure / 1 Def / 1-52 Pray
Account Goals / Short Term / Long Term
Attack: 47/50/60
Strength: 50/80/99
Range: 70/70/99
Prayer: 44/44/52
Magic: 55/85/99
Currently Training: Skill Requirements / Quests
Quest Requirements
42/56 Agility
20/50 Firemaking
55/50 Magic - May 9/22
24/53 Thieving
25/25 Fletching
29/50 Smithing
40/40 Range
41/70 Cooking
30/50 Crafting
10/50 Fishing
35/35 Woodcutting
46/42 Slayer
1/30 Construction
44/52 Prayer
11/40 Farming