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Member Since 14 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2024 10:26 AM

User's Awards

Goodwill :: Donated at least 500m in the Well of Goodwill

Donated at least 500m in the Well of Goodwill

Given on 31 March 2019 - 07:35 PM by Mack

Completionist :: Awarded to those who've achieved the Completionist Cape

Awarded to those who've acquired the Completionist Cape.

Given on 31 March 2019 - 07:35 PM by Mack

Big Spender :: You've spent a ton of money supporting Alora. Thanks for the contributions!

Awarded to those who've reached legendary donator.

Given on 31 March 2019 - 07:35 PM by Mack

Infernal Cape :: Achieved Infernal Cape

Achieved Infernal Cape

Given on 03 November 2018 - 01:51 PM by Sheep

Event Champion :: Winner of an official Alora event!

Winner of the 02/11/2018 DH 1V1 Tournament ! Given on 03 November 2018 - 02:00 AM by KP